This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-05-04 20:00:00 to 2018-05-08 06:59:59. View results

Welcome to mini jam!

mini jam is an open studio game jam for independent game developers

( that means you can use any game engine you want! )


a game jam that is short but not toooo short.  Just for you to learn, and have fun! (ᗒ ᗨ ᗕ)

no prizes tho....( ̄▼ ̄*)

(unless you count a useless rank as a prize)

ABOUT mini jam 1st edition

mini jam limitations is the first mini jam game jam, and is here for you to get used to the mini jam formula. the main theme of this jam is, as you can guess, Limitations and each mini jam edition has special requirements you have to follow.

the Requirements of mini jam 1st edition


Use 4 colors and 4 colors only. no more

use an in game view port size of 128x128

the actual widow of the application may be bigger, as long as the pixels grid in game are on a 128x128 grid

see simple

DAZZZZ IT NOW GOOO!!!!!!!! (when jam starts)



Break out... of were?

This theme is just secondary, so you can change this if you want.

Just remember.  It will add to your score.

more RULES

Rate games fairly

ALWAYS follow the jam edition requirements

Be nice to others

No swearing

Have fun


Click here to join the mini jam discord server

All events will be posted on the discord server

mini jam is still work in progress, more updates are coming soon. 

If you have any suggestions please use the "suggestions"  channel on the mini jam Discord server


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Browser playable (8)
Windows (10)
macOS (2)
Linux (1)

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The Falcon's not coming. Time for Leia to bust herself out of the Death Star. A gameboy-style FPS.
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Tap the sheep to start
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Dogerino is breaking free!
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For Mini Jam.
A game for the "Mini Jam 1" game jam.
made for mini jam
With limited visibility, find your way out
Simple browser game to prove your skills. Rebeka is having a nightmare!
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Play in browser
Help Spizzy escape!
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Switch colors to stay alive
A gentleman escapes his industrialized mansion while avoiding hypnotized servants
for Mini game jam may 2018
Build momentum, for freedom!
The classic snake game with a twist.
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Control three lasers to zap blocks away before they get too close
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