!!! The subbmitted version had a bug that made half of the levels unplayable, so we fixed it righ away, but couldn't make it in time. Both the fixed and subbmited versions are for download. The uploaded web version is a fixed version with a...
#UPDATE Bug fixed and playable version available (Version 1.1) I won't lie, this game was rushed. I had a lot of work over the weekend. But here it is. Its a simple shooter, but your bullets will hit you and damage the terrain. You can also...
Harvest From Above! Play as the Sun in a vibrant pixel shooter game, collect ingredients from passing enemy clouds, and deliver the right order to the right customer! Use the color buttons to your advantage, seek out the enemies that may be...
The enemies here are too obnoxious to do anything but copy your movements... use that to your advantage. WASD or arrow keys to move. Collect the coins and move to the target. Avoid the enemies or run them into spikes.
*Forgot to say that you should press left or right to begin the game or tutorial. You play as an UFO which is powered by colors. However, you must avoid them as you dodge the space wall and dash through rocks. Try to beat my high score of...
mop the floor, anywhere water! use WASD and Space to move and mop the floor, and Direction key ; 使用WASD移动,空格键拖地,方向键控制朝向; Go to the mop bucket and squeeze out the water; 走到拖把桶挤掉水分; Th...
Umbra-The Darkness is about defeating the darkness within ourselves. To complete level 1 you need to kill all enemies and drink the sacred drink after that find the door to the next level where you fight your inner darkness. Controls: Momen...
Choose your Element carefully to fight a horde of enemies including your own Shadow! Go further in the Randomized Rooms or fight the Bosses. This game is a Top-Down Shooter which will require some action skill to beat. Made for Mini Jam...
Dive into an art store in disarray and find the pail truth behind the brush-wielding paint bucket! Starting with 4 paint tubes with immense power, the red-paint-spilling protagonist would tear through the first run through the art store. Ho...
NOTE: If you are running in WebGL & You cant see the UI, Try using Fullscreen! This game was made for the Mini Jam : 111, the main theme for this game jam was Colours and the limitation was "You are your own enemy" Paint 'Em out! is a top-d...
RED = AGGRESSION! GREEN = CAREFULNESS! BLUE = AGILITY! LingoeBingo - Musician and Project Lead jayzeablaze - Musician TheGoldenProg - Programming JaxionDoesArt - Artist __Hawk - Artist Astralplain - Artist snowboy_pixel (YukiBoy) - Artist T...
Made for the Mini Jam 111. In this game your goal is to kill as much enemies as possible by shooting bouncing orbs. Every time you shoot also all the enemies will shoot at you. The idea is simple, but hope you find it fun.
Made for the 111th Mini Jam - Colours A small platformer where every few second you explode into colour, dealing damage to everything near you (including yourself) and painting everything around with wild colours! WASD to move, Space to jum...
On one shoulder, I have an angel enthusiastically encouraging me to participate in my very first game jam. ...but on the other shoulder... The Devil On My Shoulder places you in the shoes of... well... me! Join me on my quest to design a ga...