This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-06-28 05:00:00 to 2019-07-01 05:00:00. View results

Mini jam is a 72 hour long, game development jam for independent game developers that occurs every two weeks.

You get the theme early so you can think of the perfect idea... and then have it teared to shreds by the limitation.   This jam's theme is MOVIES. Remember, theme is purely inspirational. Feel free to interpret it however you want.

The limitations determine what you can and or must do with your game.

‪The limitation of Mini Jam movies is no frame based animation.‬

‪This means that your game can not contain any frame based animation whatsoever. You will have to use alternative methods to bring your game to life. Think, rag-doll...

It is highly recommended that you join the official Mini Jam Discord server.

You can form a team, Show off your projects, Get reminders, and hanging out with a friendly community that likes making games. Be sure to drop by!

Join the Mini Jam Discord community!

  • You may only make your game within the time frame, we do check (updates are allowed after the game has been submitted).
  • No harassment of any kind.
  • Keep game content clean(no nsfw content, offensive content, excessive gore/violence).
  • You can use pre-made assets, just make sure that you either own or have permission to use them. (don't use copyrighted material).
  • Follow the limitations given.
  • Read the rules. Not reading the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.
  • Have fun!

Any games that do not follow these rules may be removed from the jam.

Want a fun and easy way to make games? try out Ct.js!

Ct.js is a free 2D game editor that aims to make programming fun and game development easy by its visual editors and well-documented code library. Available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Try it out here!

Participating in a Ludum Dare? Be sure to join the official unofficial Discord server.


All submissions
Browser playable (8)
Windows (9)
macOS (3)
Linux (3)

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Make your own movies with hilarious rag-doll physics with this hastily made game!
*Therapeutic slapping noises*
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Made after the movie Gladiator for MiniJam#31
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Capture as many animals as you can, ON FILM! Sneak and run to make the best animal documentary ever.
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A game inspired on the classic BACK TO THE FUTURE where you have to reach 88mph to not be stuck in the past!!!
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The Clapper Game
Basically the film Fight Club but inside a 2D game
A hand-drawn visual novel about trying to run a cinema, sort of
Visual Novel
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Visual Novel
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Play through three movies as they transform into one another. Made for Mini Jam 31.
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Puzzle Game
Move e's. Sorry.
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Action-packed 2D-shooter!
You are a hand, and you have to go to the right... ?
Very short twist game. First ever game