This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-15 14:00:00 to 2021-08-22 14:00:00. View results

Welcome to the First Mixture Jam! This is a Seasonal Jam, so it happens every season!

Game Jam Rules:

1. Your game must be playable on Windows.

2. Your game must use two Genres (i.e. Adventure + Roguelike)

3. Your game must not contain any NSFW content in it.

(Submissions that are found breaking these rules will be disqualified.)

Game Jam Theme:

Build it, then use it!

Ranking Criteria:

Games will be ranked using votes from within the following criteria:

1. Overall Ranking (The overall score of your game)

2. Theme Usage (How well the theme was used)

3. Gameplay (How fun your game is to play)

4. Music (The Music of your game and how it sounds)

5. Art (The Art Style of your game)


This game jam was made just for fun, and there will be no prizes.

If you do not manage to finish your game in time, don’t worry about it! Just focus on having fun, instead of winning the jam! :)

Submissions are hidden until the Submission Period ends.


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Browser playable (1)
Windows (2)
Linux (1)

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Rover programmable with Lua
My First Game Jam Game!
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