JAM Winners will be announced on November 7, 2015 after voting ends !! The top 3 Monkey-X NES Game Jam winners will get the following :
1st Place
- $100 Amazon Voucher
2nd Place
- Choice of either IgnitionX or Pyro game framework for Monkey X.
3rd Place
- $25 Amazon Voucher
Come one, come all! Join the
Monkey X October 2015 NES Game Jam today!
What is Monkey X??
Monkey X is a next-generation game programming language that allows you to create apps on multiple platforms with the greatest of ease. It works by translating Monkey code to one of a different number of languages at compile time - including C++, C#, Java, Javascript and Actionscript.
JAM Theme
Anything goes in the graphic style of the NES!!!!
What is the time frame?
The JAM will run for 2 weeks :
Starts : October 17, 2015 at 12am (EST)
Ends : October 31, 2015 at 11:59pm (EST)
How to Join
- Create an account with itch.io.
- If you don't already have Monkey X, download it here. Its *free* !!!!
- Create your NES Game using Monkey X.
- Submit here by October 31, 2015 (11:59pm EST).
JAM Rules
- All game submissions *must* be developed using Monkey X (obviously).
- All entries must not contain adult content and does not use any copyrighted asset's, art, sound or music.
- Entries must be playable one or any of the following platforms : HTML5, Windows, OSX, Linux.
- You can submit versions for different platforms too, such as Windows and HTML5.
- Use of Third Party Modules is permitted and encouraged but not required.
- Since the theme is NES, games should have the following :
- 256 x 240 resolution. Here's some technical specs.
- 64 color palette (keep it simple!). Check out Shovel Knight and Retro City Rampage for some examples!
- Controls should mimic the NES gamepad. Directional (up, down, left, right), and 2-buttons only! GamePad support is highly encouraged!
- Control recommendation :
- Cursor Keys = DPAD
Z = A Button X = B Button Enter = Start Space = Select
- The use of 8-bit retro sounds is encouraged for your NES game! Sound generating tools such as Sfxr, Bfxr, Leshy FXMaker, and Chiptone can be used.
- Proving the source code is optional but highly recommended! With that said, executable packers are not allowed and will be disqualified!
Voting will commence when the JAM is over on
October 31, 2015 (11:59pm EST) and run until November 6th, 2015 (12am EST). Winners will be announced on November 7th, 2015.
Since the voting system is modeled after Ludum Dare,
only participants can vote on other entries. Games will be judge on the following criteria :
- Fun Factor
- Gameplay
- Graphics
- Sound/Music
- NESness - how NES-like is this entry?