This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-05-01 04:00:00 to 2023-06-01 03:59:59. View results

As vegans, we have all had people think that all there is to veganism is dieting, yet none of us consider being vegan as a simple diet. We are vegan because we believe that no life should be exploited. To shine light to that, this game jam theme is an anti-theme! Create and submit a vegan themed game without mentioning food! Aside from that, your game can be about anything you would like.

Voting Criteria for this jam:

Theme: How effectively and creatively the game incorporates the concept of ethical treatment of all sentient beings, conveying the importance of equal moral consideration without referencing food.

Gameplay: The overall gameplay experience, including game mechanics, controls, level design, pacing, and challenge, while ensuring the gameplay remains engaging without the use of food-related items.

Potential impact: The extent to which the game establishes an emotional connection with the player, evoking empathy and compassion towards all sentient beings to inspire positive change, without using any references to food.

Innovativeness: The originality and uniqueness of the game's concept, mechanics, or presentation in addressing the ethical treatment of all sentient beings without any mention of food.

Accessibility: How easy it is for a wide range of players to understand and interact with the game without any reliance on food-related themes.

Graphics/visual: The quality of the game's visual elements, including character design, environment art, animations, and user interface, without incorporating any food-related graphics or references.

Sound design: The quality of the game's sound elements, such as music, sound effects, and voice acting, without using any food-related sounds or references.


-If you won't be able to include some of these things, don't worry! Just do as much as you can. If you can't create sounds for example, you could use 'silence' intentionally, or focus more on visual cues/the other categories. 

-We had an issue with voting last jam. If for whatever reason there is an issue again, don't worry! We are making games to have fun, build our skills, and enjoy the games other people are creating as well. The voting is more to encourage us to do our best, give us things to focus on that would help us improve our games, and is overall non essential to the jam experience. 

-This game jam is our vegan game jam for the month of May! We will be hosting a vegan themed game jam each month or so for the indefinite future. This jam will run May 1st-May31st, 2023.

-Share this jam page with any vegans you think may be interested in video game development!

-We hope you have fun!

Additional Resources:

Free Drag and Drop game builders with free assets to use: Construct 3GDevelopScratchRPG Maker VX Ace Lite.

Free Text based game builders for exploring branching storylines or interactive stories: TwineInklewriter.

Free Pixel Art Programs: KritaLibreSprite.