Alexandria was a small prototype that I developed in 2015 using RPG Maker Vx Ace. Embody an unnamed warrior seeking revenge for the betrayal of the Abyss, following the last breath of his beloved Queen of Darkness. The proposal was to be a...
Dream Odyssey is a prototype developed by me between 2017 and 2018. It is a turn-based RPG that tells the story of Dylan, a boy who finds himself lost in a World of Dreams and tries to find his way home. On his journey, he must restore the...
You are a warrior that use cards to fight your enemies and have to defeat an evil wizard in the top of a tower filled with monsters. Controls: Arrows - Move / interact Z - Choose card / option ESC - See status
Embarque em uma jornada como um último fragmento de uma mente dividida e explore um mundo sombrio em um caminho para recuperar os outros fragmentos de si mesmo e então restaurar o mundo à sua volta. Movimentação 3D - Locomova-se em um...