This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-12-05 01:00:00 to 2020-12-14 02:00:00. View results

Heyo! Looking to do something after the thoughts of Thanksgiving still haven't quite left your system?

Well look no further than the Mashed Potatoes and Cramberry Jam hosted by Banished Crown Studios! We're looking to blend together 2 or 3 video game genres much like how you might have mixed cranberries,  mashed potatoes, and if you were especially adventurous rolls together last Thanksgiving. Providing a sweet, filling, and delicious amalgamate.

This jam will ask you to somehow mix the jam's primary genre with one or both of the two other genres revealed when the jam begins. Jammers will choose one or both of the secondary genres to mix with the primary and will be asked to make a game somehow using those genres over a 9 day period. Games can use anything from either genre in order to mix with the other chosen genre(s). The only requirement in this case is the mixing to make sense. Don't come in and argue that your top down RPG successfully mixes the genres of an FPS and the Rhythm Genre with no mention of either for example.

Afterwards both judges Mewbusi & Chavezfk and other Jammers will judge your game. Providing feedback and ratings on your project. The judges will be participating in the jam as well, but their team's submission will not be considered in the final rankings. We plan on this jam being relatively small and unless it balloons to the hundreds we will try and rate and play every game submitted.

After judging finishes the top 3 games will be shown from jammer voting and judge voting along with the ratings received for each category.

If you want to ask questions or get in contact with the judges for the jam, please join our discord to do so.  You can also join to try and find other people to team with or just get help from other jammers. 

The background is the courtesy of Adrienne Neef who's page can be found here.

How to Participate

  1. Have a account and enter the jam.
  2. Start creating a game somehow mixing the primary genre and at least one of the 2 revealed genres once the jam starts.
  3. Submit the game before the jam ends.
  4. Answer all questions for the jam truthfully once you submit your game.
  5. (Optional but Suggested) Try out other jammer's submissions and rate them!


  • Primary Genre - Idle Genre
  • Secondary Genres - Survival and Arcade

Voting Categories 

  • Primary Genre - How well did the game execute on this genre?
  • Secondary Genre(s) - How well did the game execute on this genre(s)?
  • Blend Factor - How well did the game mix the genres it used?
  • Creativity - How creative was the game in general?
  • Technical Implementation - Was the technical side of the game complex/unique and well polished?
  • Graphics - How good were the graphics? How well did they fit with the game? (4/5 max w/external assets)
  • Music and SFX - How good were the music and sound effects? How well did they fit with the game? (4/5 max w/external assets)

Important Times

  1. Jam Start and Secondary Genres Shown - December 4th 2020 18:00 MST
  2. Jam Ends and Voting Begins - December 13th 2020 18:00 MST
  3. Voting Finishes and Winners are Announced - December 19th 2020 18:00 MST


  • You may participate as a solo developer or in a team of no more than 6.
  • One submission per team, but one person can participate in multiple teams if they wish. 
  • All people who participate and/or submit a game must be 13 years old or older.
  • Submissions must run in Windows 10 (browser games count) and be controllable with a keyboard and/or mouse, 
  • Submissions must provide all game critical text in English.
  • Submissions must have the majority of the game created during the Jam and only legally use tools and assets.
  • You must credit in the game all contributing members and all assets and tools used. (CC0 items are not excepted from credit)
  • Do not submit malicious software.
  • The game must be SFW with no offensive content, gore/violence is allowed but nothing excessive.


Thats right! Nothing!

Nothing except the warm fuzzy feeling you get from participating in a fun jam and managing to actually make something in a little over a week.




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Browser playable (1)
Windows (2)

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It's just Pong, but with upgrades! ;)
Play in browser
An Idle-Arcade cross genre