This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-03-19 23:00:00 to 2021-03-22 06:00:00. View results

This jam is in person at Midwestern State University, is being used as a submission system but it's really a closed event for MSU students and their teams.

This 2 & 1/4 days game design competition is for everyone! We want to welcome participants even if they have no coding background. Our goal is to educate participants while generating a fun and competitive atmosphere. Volunteer helpers, with experience programming, will assist new designers with their projects. You are welcome to participate in a team. However, to ensure a fair competition for solo developers team sizes are limited to three. So, developers and artists, make friends. Take on the challenge together!


Since games being submitted are technically being "published" to, respect of copyrighted material is a requirement for submissions (You can't use Mario!)

No code for your game should be written in advance! Brainstorming and practicing genre-related code is fine.

You are welcome to use any publicly available engine or starter, free or proprietary, as well as any general building/debugging tools.

Maximum team size is 3

4 Prizes

The Champion Award
The best overall Game Jam project

The Designer Award
The best presentation elements in a Game Jam project
(Art, Sound, Writing)

The Engineer Award
The best code and technical ability demonstrated in a Game Jam project

The Student Award
The amateur game developer who demonstrates the most impressive growth and learning
(Demonstrated via a submitted short response)


Friday, March 19 @ 5PM:
Pre-Jam Meeting, discussion of rules and welcoming participants.

Friday @ 6PM:
Game Jam officially starts, participants have 54 hours to create their game.

Sunday, March 21 @ 12PM, Noon:
The college will start to be cleaned and closed up, participants still have until midnight to complete and submit their games but will have to finish last minutes tweaks either at the library or at home.

Monday @ 12AM, Midnight:
Game Jam development time ends! Submissions must be made before this time.

Monday, March 22 @ 5PM:
Announcement of winners, awards, and hanging out with our fellow developers. Here we'll also show off people's games and they can talk about design choices and people can ask questions if they want if the creator is comfortable answering them.


All submissions
Browser playable (12)
Windows (1)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)
Android (1)

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Did you ever thing, perfection is measurable? No? Neither did we.
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A space-themed twist on the classic game of snake
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an incredibly simple shooter (that was anything but simple to make)
Destroy enemy aircrafts and the pog surprise at the end.
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MSU Game Jam submission for Joshua Beaty
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One frog against the universe
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Tower Defense Game
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Tanks, Guns, and Coins?!
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Light refraction puzzle game
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Find the Karen leader
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Eat crickets to stave off starvation, and try to get your personal best score.