Even without a soundtrack (I just put the BRAID OST on in Spotify to make up for it), this is a nice little game. As someone with pretty severe depression and ADHD I can relate a lot to the protagonist. The little details like the email competently paint a picture of someone who is exhausted and hopeless. The central metaphor with the plant is also really strong! Good writing here.
Even without a soundtrack (I just put the BRAID OST on in Spotify to make up for it), this is a nice little game. As someone with pretty severe depression and ADHD I can relate a lot to the protagonist. The little details like the email competently paint a picture of someone who is exhausted and hopeless. The central metaphor with the plant is also really strong! Good writing here.
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed. You played the game while it was super buggy too, and I really appreciate that