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Liphia rated a reflection 134 days ago
A browser reflection made in HTML5.
A downloadable game for Windows.
Added platform Windows. Set type to Downloadable.
Rascal rated a Historiography 141 days ago
A browser Historiography made in HTML5.
change_it_later rated a reflection 143 days ago
A browser reflection made in HTML5.
Vine Moss Games published a VM Game 144 days ago
A downloadable VM Game for Windows and macOS.
gHost's Choice Winner for SCREAM JAM 2024 Indiepocalypse #61 Selection In 2004, Serenity Scott was a sophomore at Mercer University, studying anthropology and computational science. Investigators say she engaged in frequent online conversat...
A downloadable game for Windows.
every brain deserves to feel clean, free, and healthy! is your mind messy and mushy? do nightmares clutter your sleep cycles? NOT TO WORRY! flora's big beautiful brain is here to show you that even the messiest of minds can be tidied up gor...
Zincles rated a Historiography 153 days ago
A browser Historiography made in HTML5.
A downloadable game.

At this point I've played hundreds of unfinished visual novels, but I've never experienced a title such as this. The amount of passion and potential just BURSTING from this title is astronomical and despite the amount of times I saw "Continued in the next part" It just made me search for more, to find every part of this game that I could and I was never once disappointed in what I found. This game wants to be so much and I can tell just by what little I've seen that It's going to be everything it wants to be and more. I know I have basically 0 following and 100% of the people who have followed me followed for gay visual novels, and to be honest? I was half considering not playing past the start of this VN after realizing that it wasn't gay whatsoever, but I gave this game a chance and so have to write this review on the off chance that just one of you decides to also give this unfished masterpiece in the making a chance aswell, and I promise you that you will. not. regret it. 

hollowlimb published a hacker horror 163 days ago
A downloadable hacker horror.
Readme.txt "01010011 01100101 01100101 01101011" Shop Crush is a shop simulator and hacker horror based on Negative Space . As you are looking for clients, strange things are happening. Be it shady or fair, deal with client tastes and prefe...
wrcdiane updated a censorship campaign 165 days ago
A downloadable censorship campaign for Windows and macOS.
Updated page content. Added platform Windows.
holoweed rated a Historiography 167 days ago
A browser Historiography made in HTML5.

This game's narrative really helped me to open my eyes a bit wider on the idea of religion and what purpose most likely lies behind coming up with this idea in the first place.

Thanks to the authors for such an insightful look into this topic!

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