The weather was clear when you left Ulvrak, but an evil storm ensnared you with no hope of shelter. When you awoke, you found yourself in a hidden village of Daimons. Something is hunting them, and now the village gates are sealed. The Tale...
"Mecha, giant robotic weapons of war, fly among the stars and stride across battlefields controlled by pilots - brave, terrified, determined, desperate - who will write the history books with beam fire and missile barrages. That is not your...
The Scroll of Changes is a system-neutral, setting-neutral oracle tool for tabletop roleplaying games. It is designed to generate inspiration for events, quests, and challenges for protagonists to face, as well as the setting elements, them...
The Moon is missing! The Moon hasn’t shone in the sky in months. If the Moon doesn’t show through rain, wind, warmth, and snow, the whole Night will be dark forever. Thankfully, you are here to help solve the case and find the Moon! You...
This game has been developed for NaGaDeMon 2024 - Version 0.1 is the core of the game which will be continually developed as feedback comes in from playtests and you! Inspired by ' Two Summers ', in Sold Out Show your group is a band taking...
What Is this? a coastal point crawl a light set of boat rules Build, make & run boats, crews, and adventures in a post-collapse Great Lakes. Mix and arrange the dozen points to fit your coast! the third coast refers to two games: Duskheap B...