such a cute and cozy game, it's really good that you made this game to meaning about friendships connections I enjoyed it! I like the way you communicate to tell a story in this game.
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- The interface was very intuitive, and the game played pretty smoothly in-browser (though I had trouble getting the downloaded version to run -- I wasn't sure which was the executable file). The soundtrack was pleasant, if a bit repetitive -- I would have liked a little more variety or a mute button, though it wasn't super obtrusive or anything. The art was very cute, and I think it was quite engaging! I would have liked more choices and story paths for replayability value. I have to admit I found the story rather predictable and the coincidental nature of the reveal required me to suspend my disbelief quite a bit, but I actually enjoyed it because it does speak to me -- I often wonder about the nerdy online lives of the people I know. :) I do think the theme of building connections was well implemented. It was a cute visual novel. Nice work!
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