This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-01 15:00:00 to 2024-11-12 16:00:00. View results

Welcome to another Newbies Game Jam for 2024 with Halloween concept!!


New devs game jam is a competition for people who is new to game development and has less than a few years of experience! (Check out the rules for more detail!)  

This game jam is an excellent opportunity to give you a nice little boost for the beginning of your journey, or putting the lessons you learned in practice!

As game developers, we should improve ourselves in different ways, and believe me, every one of us once attempted only to work on a single (!dream!) project. However, you can't go much further without creating different types of games and going through a try-fail process! 
Believe in "improvement by challenging your limits" because at the end of it, you are not here to win you are here to learn!
Whatever happens you will be happy with what you've come up with, even if it's not polished.

The theme is a required idea of what your game needs to be about!



Theme is open up to any interpretations!


The Rule of Three!

An OPTIONAL limitation, this limitation is here to give you some idea about what to work on! You can still create a game without these rules, but your game still has to be about the theme!

OPTIONAL Limitations of Holloween!

1. Someone's at the Door... - by abs(Spaghetti)

2. Second Chance - by Toucan

3. Heartbeat - by ChatGPT

This optional limitation is there to challenge you, and inspire you even more!
To take this challenge, you should include 1-3 rules above!

  1. Newbie! What is this newbie anyway? If a limit is what you are looking for, -it is better to have less than a year or two of experience-, no one can prove that you are experienced, but neither you can improve by participating in this jam if you already have lots of experience! And this "experience" is not for a single tool, talking about your whole game development months of experience, (for short; if you have been doing games for more than a year in total, you can't join!) If you still feel that your experience wasn't good or you don't think that it would be counted as an experience, you should contact me from Discord for more info or permission.
  2. Time Out! You must submit the game within the determined Game Jam period (Nov 1st - Nov 12th) - When the voting is over, you can continue improving your project! (we can make exceptions for people who are late to submit - contact)
  3. Challenge the Time! Try at least making 80% of the game within the time limit! Free assets/resources are okay; getting help for the coding is also not an issue. However, do not submit a game you've already started earlier or even finished for other projects! 
  4. AI usage! AI usage is fine as long as you use it just to understand your bugs and didn't just copy paste whatever code it provides! Even if you've understanded the code it provided, do not get help from AI to type out your code! ("I didn't understand this error" is fine, "write me a script for platformer mechanics" is not!)
  5. Let's be Polite! Inappropriate content is prohibited! Any 18+ content carrying game competent(s) will get banned from the competition.
  6. No App Limitation! Use any Game engine, Art Software, or Audio Recorder (DAW)
  7. Be Good, Not An Expert! The main point of this jam is to collect new developers who wants to get on this journey! If you have less than or nearly a year of experience, you are more than WELCOME! But if not, then pick another jam. (We still can make exceptions! Check Q&A)
  8. Vote to appreciate! The experience you have will be shown under your submissions, so everybody is not as experienced as you are; that's why keep that in mind before voting because this might be their first-ever project!
  9. The team has limits! Unfortunately in this type of game jam, we can't let a 10 or 20 people community to create a single game, that's why every team can have up to 4 team members only! Do you need a team? The answer is in Q&A
  10. Have fun (I'm serious)! Okay, at first I didn't care about this rule too, but I now know that you should do this as a hobby at first! Don't take it so seriously; give your shot, it doesn't have to be the best, but it can be something that years later you will turn back and say, "Hey! That was fun to work on." Just mess around with your project; it's okay to struggle or fail to add some polishment, but the important thing is that you had fun and at the end, you shared it with the community that can appreciate your work.

  • What happens if I'm only a few minutes late to submit?                 
    • No worries! Just create your itch io page without submitting here and contact me from our Discord server, and don't forget to mention the reason you are late, then I can give you a little more time to submit it!
  • I want to do my project by getting help from my friend, am I allowed to do that?             
    • Of course, if you all have max of two years of experience, you can team up! 
  • I'm afraid to do this by myself, can I team up, and should I?
    • I would say teaming up is easy, but when it comes to working as a team! it's a little hard to progress; you need a good planner and/or a leader, if your team can work organized, then you will come up with something amazing! You can also team up by finding someone on our discord server!
  • I have less than a month of experience, and I think a game jam would be complicated! But I want to try. What should I do?
    • Enter the jam and discord server! I am open to any questions about the projects you are working on to help! I can't find every answer, but if you stay in a community, you can always find some help! Usually, people would say give your best shot, but no! What's crucial for now that you participate and experience how to be in a game jam! You don't need to win a competition to be good at game dev, that's why we don't have a prize, just try it, and you'll see that game jams help a lot!
  • Is there a prize? 
    • I can gladly answer that as no... Because this competition is only to begin your journey, and the thing is, you don't have to start with this Jam; you can select another game jam to start but JUST START! It's your choice. The goal behind Newbies Game Jam is to compete with the people you are nearly on the same exp level. But of course, there will be little appreciation for the winners like special discord role, or including them in future events/ game jams; other than that, if you really want something special for the winner, just suggest your ideas on our discord server!
  • What if I have more than years of experience with the [Old] Game Engine but not with the [New] Game Engine? Can I enter the Jam by using only the [New] Game Engine?
    •  I have to say no. You cannot hide your experience on failed attempts, successes, or any progress! Game Engines are only the tools we use to make life easy, but the experience you have won't fade away after changing the game engine!! That's why it is called "developer experience" and not "experience with [This] Engine."

  1.  Follow the Mouse by Mypy
  2. Wing of Hope by Efimother
  3. My truffle hog and I - by Marco Pritzi


You can also join our Discord server to get help and feedback and vote for the theme!


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Role Playing
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Submitted to Newbies Jam (Nov 2024). A point-and-click adventure about preserving magical items!
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Made for the Newbie Game Jam 2024 - Halloween Edition
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A short horror game for the Newbies Game Jam 2024
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TowerDefense, [ESC] to cancel placing Tower, Play on 16:9 as it will not scale properly on others
Visual Novel
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vERY goOd hIGh QuAliTy gAMe
What if dungeon keeper decided to create a dungeon where all of other monsters could heal themselves...
Create towers to defend the castle from the evil monsters.
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You = slug fires = bye bye
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Stealth game about carrying yourself and your friend to safety after being kidnapped
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a dog trying to keep his soul alive
A tower defense game made with makecode arcade