This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-12-31 16:00:00 to 2024-01-10 15:59:59. View 20 entries
南華虛擬實境 VR 後室 #2023
南華大學業師虛擬實境 VR 課程,開發一款以後室為主題的遊戲,並製作 PC 與 VR 兩個版本。
蘇弋麟 | KID
Game Jam 發起人:KID
NHU Virtual Reality course The Backrooms #2023
NHU Virtual Reality course, developing a game that theme is "the backrooms", and build PC and VR two version.
Yi-Lin, Su | KID
Game Jam Sponsor:KID
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