This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-14 07:00:00 to 2023-10-22 07:00:00. View results


The idea behind this event is to create a game that can exist without depending on words or text to be able to play. Players should be able to pick up a game and enjoy from beginning to end without the limitation of a language barrier.


"No words."

Rules [updated] 

  • Words, letters, numbers, text, dialog, speech are not allowed in the game, but are allowed on the game page.
  • Non-alphanumeric Emojis are acceptable as long as they aren't used to spell words.
  • Your game may include a UI as long as there is no text or letters used.
  • Voice is ok as long as there are no words.
  • Punctuation marks and (font) symbols are also not allowed.
  • Open to any genre.
  • Any game engine may be used.
  • Must be playable in a browser.
  • No NSFW content.
  • Please use original assets (music, art, code, ui) if possible. 
  • Pre-made assets or code created outside of the jam are allowed as long as you credit the original creator or you are the original creator.


Submit your game early! Each game will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Gameplay (controls, fun factor)
  • Graphics (art style, animation, character design)
  • Audio (sound effects, music)
  • Originality/Innovation
  • Accessibility (Easy to understand and play,  No language barrier)

Discord invite:

Other jams:

Cutscene Jam | Arcade Fighting Game Jam II


All submissions
Browser playable (29)
Solo (22)
Team (7)
No. All assets are created by me (or my team) during the jam period. (8)
No. All assets are created by me (or my team) but some have been made before the jam. (2)
Yes. Some assets are 3rd party assets created outside of the jam. (19)

No submissions match your filter

Some kind of cozy game ig
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Decode an alien transmission. No Words Jam 2023
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just be creative!
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You're late to work/school, again? Gotta speedrun.
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A little Halloween game with a minimalist design and no text
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Cat on da Moon! Submission for No Words Jam
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Arcade 1 bit for No Word Jam
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Anxiety is a game where you have to survive one minute trying not to get smashed by the walls.
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Artist Pink Guy realized that art was not for him. He decided to go in search of adventure.
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An alien abyss expedition
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Help two marmots avoid their most hated vegetable, the kohlrabi.
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in shop and back, repeat
Visual Novel
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What were you meant to do again?
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A simple game for 2023 No words game jam
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Made for the No Words Jam <3
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Help comb debris from cat fur
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Get the frog to his ball
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For the No words game jam. It has 1 and a half levels.
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A mystifying puzzle and a slightly spooky game...
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Demake of Possibly Endless Golf
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Play as God and help the poor human to get his own bus ticket
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