This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-31 00:00:00 to 2024-05-30 23:00:00. View results

Make a single image for the Nokia 3410.

Demo image:


  • 96x65px
  • 1:1 pixel ratio
  • True black and white (#000000 & #FFFFFF)
  • The optional theme is "lost games for the Nokia 3410"
  • PNG format
  • Please keep the artwork "family friendly"
  • Obviously, no AI images, thanks. NOKIA is an anagram of "NO AI, K?"


  • Anyone may submit art
  • You may enter as many pieces as you like
  • You can submit by uploading a new project and pressing the submit button above
  • You may submit by posting to the forum on the jam page
  • You may submit by sending me the image directly (but I'd prefer if you didn't)

Selected art* will be put together alongside the submitter's username in an image in the style of a 90s magazine ad. The final image will be distributed under CC BY-NC-ND (anyone can share the picture alongside credit, but not sell it or make derivative works).**

This image is from NokiaArtJam 1:

* Apologies: due to quality control and scale restrictions, entry does not guarantee inclusion in the final image.

** This may take me a while to complete depending on workload. I'll put out an email to people who have joined the jam on completion.