This game is about a cat named Joe who was forced into collecting Microcoins for Skibie gnome who won't let him be large again until Joe collects 3 coins for him Parkour through the difficult platformer that is Skibies basement. use right a...
=========================== Эта игра была сделана во время NoobGameJam #7 Спасибо большое за такую мотивацию делать игры) И за дружную команду джема <3 =...
If you are playing the browser version, then do not open the game to full screen, I have not set up the canvas properly Hello everyone Before starting the game, carefully read the controls and a little explanation of the mechanics: CONTROL...
Игра создана за 2 дня, для Noob Game Jam #7; Разработчик и художник Hunter1ko; Сможете ли вы намыть 100 слитков золота? я думаю нужно проверить :D p.s...