Make a game that doesn’t work! It’s not supposed to work! Maybe it’s too cobbled together, maybe it’s mistranslated, maybe it wasn’t supposed to do anything at all in the first place. Things don’t always have to do things Moltar now help me plug it into the wall.
Call it a first draft.
Sit on it for a while. At least two months.
Go outside and count at least five different plants and animals. Play a sport. Read a book. Take pictures you’re proud of and upload them to the jam community page!
Listen to the Lyrical Ludology podcast for a bit.
Take your draft and ask yourself why you thought it wouldn’t work? Of course it works!
Or,,, maybe it still doesn’t work, but figure out where specifically in the game it does not work.
Make more of this part of the game.
Call it a second draft (or third, fourth, whatever). Maybe it’s done now! If not, you can also repeat steps two and three as many times as you want, in whatever order feels right.
Jam title and cover image from:
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