This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-07-17 19:00:00 to 2020-07-19 19:00:00. View results

Welcome To Hell NSFW jam 48hr

Who May Enter?

- Anyone! work as an individual or in a team.

What Can I Use? 

- You may use any software to create your game, provided the end product can run on windows or via browser, and be uploaded to You may use any assets, whether you have created them previously, or downloaded from an asset site (you must declare which assets (if any) you have not created in your submissions description).

Required Content     

- You must incorporate some form of adult material e.g gore, nudity or profanity, while also using the theme.

What Will Be Judged?    

  • Loyalty To Theme     
  • Nudity   
  • Violence        
  • Gore     
  • Profanity       
  • Visuals         
  • Audio        
  • Atmosphere                      

- There will be an individual category poll, and an overall poll.                                                   

Who Will Judge my game?

- Participants and hosts.

When Is The Jam?

- 8pm(London UK) July 17th  - 8pm(London UK) July 19th

When Will Voting Start And End?

- Voting will start the moment the jam ends, till 8pm(London UK) July 21st





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Browser playable (4)

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Visual Novel
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Slay demons in a forgotten land and give rise to the daughter of darkness.
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