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Ildesir published a twtich-game 1 year ago
A downloadable twtich-game for Windows.
Info Con numerica se puso en duda si la gente sabia contar. Con Coffeerica veremos si la gente sabe contar rápido. Puedes ver las normas de Cofferica en el botón de ? * Todo lo malo de numerica ( hay baneos ) * Nada de lo bueno ( el núme...
pello published a game 1 year ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A simple web-based game for your Twitch chat, no registration needed! You will see a number in the circle and a simple operation below (+, -, *, /). Try to be the first guessing the result and write it on the chat. You'll get points every t...
Rothio Tome published a Twitch game 1 year ago
A downloadable Twitch game for Windows and Linux.
THE BUTTONICA by RothioTome is a mini-game created to be used on Twitch as an entry for the #NumericaTwitchJam . The goal is simple: reach the highest possible score. Each time your viewers press the button (by typing "click", "tap" or any...
jesusmarzor published a game 1 year ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
He querido darle una vuelta al objetivo de numerica sin dejar el principio de competición entre los jugadores. El objetivo del juego es acertar un número generado aleatoriamente. Los jugadores tienen como pista el icono central . Cada vez...
pello published a game 1 year ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
WarChat is a multiplayer game that you can play in a Twitch stream. Viewers can join the battle and launch fireballs to kill other wizard. There can be only one! The game uses the green background by default to make it easier to remove with...
Pepe Coral published a Twitch Cooperative 1 year ago
A downloadable Twitch Cooperative for Windows.
▬▬ English ▬▬ Balance the letters to save the balls in Balancica! An exciting Twitch game where each "L" and "R" you type in the chat will affect a virtual balance. Show off your skills and prevent the balls from falling! Can you ke...
Endorth published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Infinitica is a game made for the NUMERICA Jam of RothioTome. People in the chat have to subtract numbers from infinity to 0,(-1, -2, -3, ...) without repeating user. Whoever gets to 0 wins! Good luck! Github repository ->
Endorth published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Encryptica is a game made for RothioTome's NUMERICA Jam. Based on the program, "La ruleta de la suerte", the chat will have to use the commands "!l or !letter" + a letter or "!s or !solve" + the correct whole phrase. Points will be awarded...
Endorth published a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.
Carrerica is a snail racing game made for RothioTome's NUMERICA Jam. People in the chat can join one of the 5 teams, when everyone has joined, they enter the race. You can see which people are in each team by pressing the snail button. When...