A/D - turn left/right, W - move forward, space - parry, click - attack Not everything works as expected Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FQ96QyARJAkFTdaTUXCGrIN_vuGGuVvQyvg3fv1O...
This is not actually a Touhou game, the name is a joke. Controls: movement - WASD aim - Mouse shoot - hold LMB bomb - RMB Repo: https://github.com/ec4016/PCG-Game Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16CLz5bkdlkPlvtnbyj4ZJhZkMbKSk...
click to start movement, use mouse to control the direction, dont hit the side wall and try to reach the final bar https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KlLITHwsurZI0D7f-O-TnKKAnrrCl5PZYiDmW6D7...