This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-01 07:00:00 to 2022-11-03 10:00:00. View results

Give us your best Trollgame in October!

Please submit in one or more of the following formats (Max ratings likely for the first three.)

* Web-Playable / Windows / Linux / Mac OS X / Tabletop Game Rules / a PDF of like, a choose your own adventure book, or something, I guess, if that's your thing


  • Games MUST be added to Itch sometime during October 2022 to be eligible for a prize. You may work on the game before this time period. There is no exclusivity rule for submissions on our end, but we will remove "jam-stuffing" entries.
  • A .zip file containing everything you need to run your game, and a .TXT for instructions if needed, OR:
  • A link to an itch page where your game can be played in the browser
  • Or both!
  • Games MUST be free to play for all participants and judges of the jam for the entirety of the judging period
  • Games should be made using only assets/code you created yourself or have legal rights to use, but you don't have to avoid using code/assets from before October 1st, especially if you created it yourself.
  • Please do not submit NSFW projects. If you're on the fence about whether something is SFW or not, drop a content warning in the appropriate place so potential players/streamers can make the call.
  • If you want to chill out with others making the game there is a DISCORD:


q: WHAT A TROLLGAME IS?????????????????

A: a trollgame is a game that sets up and subverts expectations.  The best trollgames are ones where the player can follow the logic of the game, but that doesn't stop them from walking into the game's traps.


A: if you make a game about a troll,

q: JUDGING????

A: Judging is open to all who submit a game. Judging will begin after the game submissions close and run for about 1 week. The winners will be announced on or around Nov 15 (TBD)

q: PRIZE????

A: YES prizes will be issued. A first prize of:

* GIANT Lady Goose poster (like its big and thick and glossy its pretty great)

And secondary, starting with 2nd place and going down the line to 5th, participants may select one of the following 8x10 glossies of:

* Lady Goose
* Chungus and his mother
* Ser Jaime
* Bubba (on which the classic bubba's bubbles title screen is based)


A: YES there will be a prize pool awarded to top participants. Since Dr. Dos has been the bubble boy 2 years running we at MGG want the prize pool to be distributed as follows:
* Whatever place Dr. Dos finishes in is the last place to get prizes
* If Dr. Dos finishes 1st, the entire prize pool goes to him.
* If Dr. Dos finishes 2nd, the prize pool is split with 1 share going to Dos (and anyon Dos ties with for 2nd) and 2 shares to the winner(s)
* If Dos finishes 3rd, the prize pool is split with 1 share going to 3rd place winners, 2 shares going to 2nd place winners, and 3 shares going to the top spot.
* You get the idea


A: The recipient of the Spoon Prize will be "the most spectacular failure to be a trollgame despite obvious effort". Effortfulness to be determined by judges. This person or persons wins a flat prize of $5.


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Browser playable (4)

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HYPER LOW RES SUPER RETRO anti-capitalist ZZT screed with poultry body horror, ATM hacking, and unlicensed dentistry!
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Get the four Cyan keys and escape from the Dungeons of ZZT. What more needs to be said??
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It's hard to create things
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It's past midnight, and you want milk (2%).
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A particularly long one-board ZZT game