You're stuck in a labyrinthine series of rooms and have to make enough space for your trusty generator to transport you to the next room. Made in March 2023. Font used: Coder's Crux by Chequered Ink
Shoot your arrows as the Chinese legendary archer Yi in this parodic farce, and unlock all 3 unique absurd endings! Once upon a time, there were 10 suns in the sky, bringing drought and famine to the land. You are the sun shooting hero Yi...
You went to a party and got drunk. When you wake up, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and you don't remember what happened the night before. Find a way to get home safe and sound! Better if played full screen, click the chosen opt...
You play as an elk who is going blind. You must overcome an overgrown, long forgotten path to reach the shaman of the forest who can fix your sight. To get over gaps and dangerous vines you need to pick up and place your log carefully to fo...