I've had a lot of fun with these rules & my imagination!
A masterclass in succinct game design. Great inspiration for fledgling game designers. How 24xx manages stakes via "risk" and interpreting rolls has made me a believer in the FKR paradigm. Seeing the project evolve over time (the more recent releases gravitate towards broader skillsets and meta-mechanical / diegetic talents instead of skills) is very illuminating wrt how to balance mechanics, character options, and worldbuilding in service of creating a snappy, cohesive whole. Get this game and marvel at it.
This set of "games" have changed my perspective and view on the hobby. The lo-fi-ness of the game is such a liberating feature that I think anyone who runs frequent games and has to figure out replacement one-shot often should have this in their library. If you like sci-fi, there will be one pamphlet that stick out to you. If you don't like the rules lite nature, the implied settings in the random tables are worth the price of purchase.