Mooo! Love the idea -- animals are a great jumping point, and cows are good goofy fun. Favourite detail is what is your favourite kind of grass? Because like, of course that would be of paramount importance to a cow.
I feel like this system is slim enough that it could also could have fit for the business card jam that happened a few months back!
I like the idea that the cows pre-roll their rolls and have to choose which one to use before re-rolling both. Excellent stuff
Mooo! Love the idea -- animals are a great jumping point, and cows are good goofy fun. Favourite detail is what is your favourite kind of grass? Because like, of course that would be of paramount importance to a cow.
I feel like this system is slim enough that it could also could have fit for the business card jam that happened a few months back!
Thanks! I think Eldritch Cows is probably the best RPG I've made.