This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-09-30 21:00:00 to 2021-10-03 20:00:00. View 7 entries

Please help us prepare for the event and reserve a ticket at

We welcome you to join the Online Quantum Game Jam, an event where you will collaborate with game developers, quantum physicists, visual artists, musicians, coders and others in order to develop games that connect to quantum physics either through real machinery or simply thematically. Materials about both game development and quantum physics will also be shared before the event. No prerequisites required, merely the curiosity and an interest in quantum games!

Join our Quantum Game community in our dedicated Discord server, which will serve as the main platform for the jam.  Consider using your real name or adding it to the server specific nickname.
Discord: (Game-Set-Quanta)
The event stream will be found at 
Recording from the first day (sorry, but the sound is very low!) 
Recording from the second day

Materials about quantum and game design concepts as well as the event platforms are  found at

For more information feel free to contact

Lead Organizer Laura Piispanen (laura.piispanen @, Aalto University
Public Communicator Daria Anttila ( dariale @ ), University of Turku or,
on behalf of IGDA Finland, Natasha Skult (natasha.skult @

We follow the Code of Conduct of IGDA Finland

Preliminary time-table


Add to your google calendar:

1.10. DAY ONE: Forming the idea around quantum physics

15:00 Registration and participatory introductory activities 

16:00 Welcoming words and theme reveal  

17:00 Brainstorming of ideas

18:00 Idea pitching and team formation


2.10. DAY TWO: Game development and iteration

12:00 Q-and-A time

14:00 Professor Daniel Whiteson SCIENTIFIC COMICS 
15:00 Dr. Wen-Sen Lu introducing QUANTUM ARCADE GAMES
15:30 Noora Heiskanen chatting with us about QUANTUM VISUALISATION
16:00 Natasha Skult introducing the beautiful, story-driven C.L.A.Y. that was released yesterday and is done together working with IBM
16:45 Abuzer Yakaryilmaz telling us what QWorld is about
17:00 Dr. Shaeema Ahmed talking about the CITIZEN SCIENCE GAME QUANTUM MOVES2 and the development process

20:00 Q-and-A time

3.10. DAY THREE: Final touches and presenting the game to others


14:00 Deadline for uploads and gameplay videos

14:30 Game presentations 

16:00 Final words


All submissions
Browser playable (4)
Windows (1)
Android (1)
Quantum Generation (3)
Quantum da Vinci (2)
BONUS: Both (1)

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Quantum Dice
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Heisenbergs Bicycle - Quantum Game Jam 2021
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Switch between wave and particle in a mini breakout game #prototype #gamejam #broken #SNAFU
Pong with spatial superposition
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