This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-22 06:00:00 to 2023-10-20 06:00:00. View results


Notice: The jam terms/rules aren't final until the jam officially starts.

The Make an Open Source Project for Godot Jam is a jam in which contestants make open-source Godot projects. It can be any type of Godot project: Games, Modules, Add-ons, Programs, etc. Just as long as you can open source the project.

The hope is that these projects help contribute to the Godot ecosystem. They can serve as examples for learning the engine and its features, improving established engine users' understandings, or they can serve a functional purpose and are worth continuing and maintaining. Submitters are suggested to consider submitting their projects to the Godot Asset Library.


  • Projects should focus on best practices over "Coolness"/Novelty
  • The purpose of these projects is to help people either learn the engine and its features, improve their understanding/skills with the engine, or to create something to expand/improve Godot.
  • If choosing a game, it should be intended as an example. It could be the most fun game anyone's ever played, but if it's not formed well, it won't do well in this jam.
  • Projects should be well documented and/or commented. The goal is to make something that the community can benefit from or build on.

Project Criteria

  • Must be a Godot 4 or 3 project
  • Must be open source
  • Project can't be started before the jam begins
  • Must be submitted before the deadline
  • Code should have good comments and/or documentation
  • Source control is used — The repo is required upon submission

Rating Criteria

The submissions will be rated by other submitters. Note that only the account that submits the project can rate other projects, so if working in a team, you might want to all agree on what to rate another project.

Code Quality:


  • Does it achieve its goal?
  • Does it work well?

Project Organization:

  • Scene Structure
  • Asset Organization


Most Godot projects use assets in addition to their code. Please take licensing for both into consideration when choosing your license. For example, If you want your code to be CC0, but are using CC BY assets in it, you should be sure to clarify that the assets do not fall under the CC0 license and that they have their own respective licenses.

Code licenses should be CC0 or MIT. The only exception for this is if you have a dependency that requires a different open-source license.

Asset licenses should preferably be CC0/public domain. You are allowed to use any assets that can be included in an open-source project, such as Creative Commons licenses, but you should try to keep it public domain.

*Note: Any entries that have questionable licensing or violate licenses will be disqualified. Do not use any assets unless you are sure you can.




Various Licenses — Be sure any assets you use are CC0 or can be redistributed


You're welcome to fly solo or form a small team for the jam. There's a place in both the jam's community page and Discord dedicated to finding a team.


So far, there are no prizes for jam winners, except honor, but I'm working on trying to figure something out.


If you'd like to communicate with others participating in the jam, have questions, or want to see the competition, you're more than welcome to post to the jam's community board. I've also set up a Discord server.



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Browser playable (1)
Windows (2)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)

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Open source gamepad with dials.
A CC0 Sample project for Godot 4
Play in browser
A utility library for Godot
Game Jam