This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-15 04:00:00 to 2024-03-18 04:00:00. View results
Make a free resource that game developers anywhere can use.
Welcome to the first ever Open reSource Jam! This is your opportunity to join like-minded individuals and create something to share with game devs everywhere. Our motto is: Help others succeed, let others help you succeed.
Here are some ideas:
## But "what if I'm already working on a long term closed-source project and don't have time for a jam?",
Well, it's quite simple: just make one thing open source. It could be your next character, your next sound effect, even a fun special effect. The rest of your game can stay closed source.
Want to find a teammate? Join our discord:
(Credits to,,, and for the assets in the banner and splash images)
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