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Vulpzor published a short story 3 years ago
A downloadable short story.
A short story set in the Grim Dark Future fictional setting. (Makes me want to write a one-off tabletop game that mixes Grim Dark Firefight, Gaslands, and Yahtzee - maybe OPR next game jam!) The images on the mood board are not original cre...
Balmong7 published a book 3 years ago
A downloadable book.
Heavily inspired by the Quarians and their search for Rannoch in Mass Effect. I thought exploring the idea of the Nomads and older generations wanting to find a new home, vs the younger generations who truly think of the ships as home and h...
sh1eld-maiden published a book 3 years ago
A downloadable book.
I don't know how i got this, but here you are.