This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-14 19:00:00 to 2023-04-16 19:00:00. View results

The theme for the jam is: Strength vs Intelligence


Welcome to the 7th tri-annual OPR Writing Jam!

This is a 48hr story writing marathon, focused on writing one-page stories set in the OPR universe. The writing jam runs from April 14th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time, to April 16th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time.

Join the OPR Discord server to chat and share ideas:

Submission Rules:

  1. The story has to follow the theme: Strength vs Intelligence
  2. The story must fit on a single sheet, using the template provided here:
    • The story must be at least 500 words long, and at most 1000 words long.
    • The story must be set in the OPR universe (Grimdark Future / Age of Fantasy).
  3. Every story must be submitted along with the following:
    • A visual moodboard for the story. We recommend using BeFunky (it's free):
    • (Optional) Pictures of tabletop miniatures that inspired the story, gaming tables, etc.
  4. Once the jam is over, you MUST vote on at least 15 submissions, or else be disqualified.

Please make sure to submit your story in .pdf format so that it's easy for everyone to read it on mobile and desktop!

Example of a what a correct submission should look like:

Read the faction backgrounds and learn about the OPR universe here:

Check out the last jam for more examples:

Here's everything else you need to know:

  • Who can submit? Anyone can submit a story,  and you may work alone or in teams.
  • How many stories can be submitted? Each participant may only submit one story.
  • Who will judge the stories? The stories will be judged by the public, and then we will highlight the top 3 voted stories on the OPR website. There is no winner or prize, it's all just for fun!
  • What will the stories be judged on? This is a contest in interesting and original writing set in the OPR universe, so it's important that stories are written to fit the setting. The criteria are "Concept & Originality", "Flow & Clarity" and "Adherence to the Theme".
  • Who has the rights on stories created during the jam? The story writers retain the rights to their own stories, and they won't become part of the OPR universe unless specifically agreed between the writers and OPR after the jam.
  • Anything else? Submissions may not contain nudity, hateful language, or hateful images.



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A submission for the OPR Writing Jam #7!
OPR Writing Jam #7
The calculations of the Cult of the Singularity face off against the might of the Alien Hives. For
Family is family even in the Kingdom of Angels
A Beastman hunter tracks his prey
Short story for the writing jam from OPR
OPR Writing Jam Challenge
Amidst the barren dune world of the Sirius Sector, the broken lead.....
My submission for the One Page Rules Writer Jam for April 2023. Ratmen vs Deep Sea Elves
It's what you don't know that'll kill you...
Angertold searches the ruins of a once great HDF City...
Shinsplint badly wants to be a real Knight - but he's a little fuzzy on the details.
The Blood Brothers Detachment and their confidence blind them to a threat right under their boots.
Not all is well in the Duchies of Vinci
Adrift in space with no engines, the Daughter of Hope must scramble to escape from the monolith bearing down on it.
"Estoria agrees to play chess against K-7S2, an experimental tactical robot."
Betrayal, Forbidden love. Necromancy. Vladeska takes one vice at a time and hopes to survive his first pitched battle.
The trouble has only just begun for a group of knights as they walk into the reaches of a cunning assassin.
"Two warriors experience visions of an upcoming battle"
Strength vs Intelligence
It only takes one oversight...
The Strongest Will: A grimdark future story by DukeGurren
A short story set in the Grimdark universe of OnePageRules
A dwarven hammerer's struggle when chasing a jackal.
A Beast Lord of the Surdukh Tribe is led to her fate. Written for OPR Writing Jam 7
Cold Steel and Hot Plasma
Short Story for the OPR Writing Jam
Book from Blessed Sister's Bible.
Prospector-Baron Hearn has a story to tell regarding one of his trophies...