This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-12-08 20:00:00 to 2023-12-10 20:00:00. View results

The theme for the jam is: Unlikely Allies


Welcome to the 9th tri-annual OPR Writing Jam!

This is a 48hr story writing marathon, focused on writing one-page stories set in the OPR universe. The writing jam runs from December 8th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time, to December 10th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time.

Join the OPR Discord server to chat and share ideas:

Submission Rules:

  1. The story has to follow the theme: Unlikely Allies
  2. The story must fit on a single sheet, using the template provided here:
    • The story must be at least 500 words long, and at most 1000 words long.
    • The story must be set in the OPR universe (Grimdark Future / Age of Fantasy).
  3. Every story must be submitted along with the following:
    • A visual moodboard for the story. We recommend using BeFunky (it's free):
    • (Optional) Pictures of tabletop miniatures that inspired the story, gaming tables, etc.
  4. Once the jam is over, you MUST vote on at least 15 submissions, or else be disqualified.

Please make sure to submit your story in .pdf format so that it's easy for everyone to read it on mobile and desktop!

Example of what a correct submission should look like like:

Read the faction backgrounds and learn about the OPR universe here:

Check out the last jam for more examples:

Here's everything else you need to know:

  • What is the prize? The top three stories will win two special digital reward minis.
  • Who will judge the stories? The stories will be judged by the public, and then we will highlight the top 3 voted stories on the OPR website. 
  • What will the stories be judged on? This is a contest in interesting and original writing set in the OPR universe, so it's important that stories are written to fit the setting. The criteria are "Concept & Originality", "Flow & Clarity" and "Adherence to the Theme".
  • Who can submit? Anyone can submit a story,  and you may work alone or in teams.
  • How many stories can be submitted? Each participant may only submit one story.
  • Who has the rights on stories created during the jam? The story writers retain the rights to their own stories, and they won't become part of the OPR universe unless specifically agreed between the writers and OPR after the jam.
  • Anything else? Submissions may not contain nudity, hateful language, or hateful images.



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After a cataclysmic battle all that remains are two goblins, a tank, and a rubble as far as the eye can see.
Vampires take the concept of taxes to heart. Literally.
​A press-ganged human servant receives unexpected help from a heavily armed Clan-Rat!
OPR Writing Jam #9 a Grimdark Future Tale
An ogre raiding party made a poor choice of prisoners to eat for their next feast.
The Matriarch of a Soul Snatcher cult sends the Cult leader to makes allies to prevent the worlds destruction
A civil war has broken out on a human planet. But the old inhibitors want it back.
OPR Writing Jam 9 (Unlikely Allies)
Hatred, Poor Visibility, Heavy Rain and Collateral Damage For The Win
They only want to go home, but surrounded by the unfamiliar, how will they know friend from foe?
When a battle brother faces a great demon, unexpected help arrives
Sister Seli is a healer in the forgotten town of Lostdrift. But when strangers show up, that's when the fun begins.
A knight's ideas of honor are called into question by an unlikely savior.
To survive, a survey team needs to put their trust in unexpected friends.
Em's AOF tale submitted on her behalf by her father
An Age of Fantasy tale submitted on behalf of AE Marsh by her Father
A shamanic pilgrimage yields a disturbing discovery.
A band of goblins come across a very large metal plated guy. (AoF)
A halfling named Corrin teams up with a strange ally to fight against some invading Ogres.
Submission for the Dec 2023 OPR Writing Jam "Unlikely Allies"
What could possibly go wrong when a Robot is stranded with an Elf?
A Ratmen clan finds themselves stuck between an alien hive and titanic mechs
A grim story of a colony in the Sirius sector
Wait is it computer bytes or the action of bit-
An Eternal reports on the benefits of dwarven repairs.
Two forces clash in a stalemate, and negotiations commence.
A desperate Battle Brother Captain seeks to save as many lives as he can.
Written for the OPR Writing Jam#9. Prisoners. Plans. Problems.
A dwarf tries to get revenge by exposing the mega-corporation that fired him.
An OPR Writing Jam #9 Project
The story of two former enemies overcoming their history in the face of a new adversary. Written for OPR Writing Jam #9
The corruption of Lord Blackvayne
A shortstory about unlikely allies.
As the battle settles, two enemies find themselves side by side.
Two Armies clash, locked in moral combat until a third threat arises threatening to crush them both.
A scientist grapples with his creations rebellion. Can he adapt to the new dynamic or be stuck in the past.
Ambushed between a hit squad and deadly cargo.