This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-04-04 00:00:00 to 2020-04-06 01:17:00. View results
Orange County is under stay at home lockdown for two weeks beginning March 26 at 11:00 pm. So we're hosting a jam to come out of this lockdown with something new. The jam will begin April 3rd at 8:00 pm EST and last until April 5th at 8:00 pm. The theme for this jam is lockdown. This jam is sponsored by Unity and organized by Unity Ambassador Samuel Arminana, and Kaitlin Long. There's no excuse now for not going to a game jam and to further entice you we have prizes! (More coming soon hopefully)
$300 cash prize to be split.
3 Yearly Unity Plus Licenses ($1200 value).
Unity shirts, pins, and stickers for each winner.
Unity Snaps bundle ($100s of dollars of value).
3 DOTween Pro Asset Store Keys.
Mtree Asset Store Keys (up to 3).
Amplify Shader Asset Store Keys (up to 3).
3 UModeler Asset Store Keys
3 Subscriptions to GameDevHQ (3 month subscriptions)
$100 cash prize to be split.
Unity shirts, pins, and stickers for each winner.
Unity Snaps bundle ($100s of dollars of value).
$100 cash prize to be split.
Unity shirts, pins, and stickers for each winner.
All submissions will be judged from 1-5 and 3 winners will be selected by the organizers. Organizers who attend the jam will have their games removed from the prize pool.
1. Max team size 5
2. The theme is given beforehand so you can begin thinking of concepts now. However, we don't want you to come in with a full GDD or theory behind your game, limit yourself to a few notes.
3. There is no requirement to use Unity (but... why would you use anything else?)
Judging will be done after the jam. Judges are other Unity Student Ambassadors ( They will judge your submission on a scale of 1-5 to their own discretion and give a review for each game. The judging process will take a few days and results will be announced here and we'll reach out to winners with their prizes.
The event is ran by a Unity Student Ambassador and receives Unity's sponsorship to put these events on.
They've provided the cash prizes, Unity licenses, swag, and asset Snaps Bundles.
We've also have reached out to other companies and developers for sponsorship and have received sponsorship from,
Demigiant - DOTween Pro developer,
Maxime - MTree developer,
Amplify Creations - Amplify Shader Editor developer,
Tripolygon - UModeler developer,
GameDevHQ -
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