This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-12 22:00:00 to 2023-10-31 22:59:59. View 7 entries

This idea started out on the Orangepixel Discord after me going through a bunch of old projects and showing some mock-up images I made for projects that never really got released or very far in development. Some people said they would love to make a game with the graphics I was showing.

So, end result, I created an “asset pack” of graphics from various unfinished and finished projects, and we now have a “game jam” of sorts!

The Challenge!

Keeping it light and simple, here’s the concept and how you can join in:

  • Download a copy of the asset pack
    • Grab it here: MockupChallenge_v1 and make sure to check out Discord (#game-jam) as it IS possible that I’ll be adding new stuff to it if people request certain things!
  • Grab your favorite programming tools and engines and what ever you use to make a game
    • I would love to be able to play the results on my PC in some way to show it in a future video
  • Create a “small sample” of a game using the graphics provided.
    • Make the mock-up come alive in what ever form or game genre you like
    • You are NOT required to use ALL the graphics there.. just pick what you like and use it!
    • Do not modify the provided assets, that would defeat the purpose of it! Keep the mock-up recognizable !
    • Adding custom graphics is okay, as long as the amount doesn’t overtake the graphics used from the asset pack. So adding extra pickup-item things is fine, just don’t fully replace the tile-set and background art or create your own hero animation!
      Possibly if others need the same art, ask about it, and I can add it to the MockupChallenge assets pack
    • Don’t feel constrained by my mock-up either: it depicts an action shooter, but you might not want to include guns and bullets,
      perhaps you want to make it turn-based…
      or story based? have these guys talk to each other!?
      or a card-based game.. ?
      surprise everyone with your creativity!

When should it be done?

I’d love for everybody to be able to participate but I also understand some people have busy lives (I’m one of those) so seeing as this is just a fun little experiment for all of us, let’s not put a deadline on it at all! IF you do need a deadline because you are one of those persons, let’s make it October 30th, which happens to be my birthday.. so get me a fun playable Mockup Game jam game as a gift!

When you got something made in the next few weeks, I’ll be able to do a video about it over on the Orangepixel Youtube channel and show your game, link to it, give you some praise and all that.

Share knowledge

There was also mention of people wanting to blog/vlog/share their progress and all that, so come hang out on the Discord, talk about your progress and participation, and once you got something finished, let me know !  It would be cool to see how various developers and different skills tackle the process on this!

I’m really excited about that aspect!

So invite your friends to join in and let’s see how this experiment goes, and if more Mock-up jams will follow in the future!


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My entry to Mockup Game Jam
First person Grid movement Action shooter
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Base defence survivor
Action puzzle platformer with guns.
Rescue the hostages and be the best in business
A short platform game for Orangepixel's mockup jam
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