This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-05-01 14:00:00 to 2022-06-01 14:00:00. View 4 entries

This game jam is for making your own OSR game system. To qualify for submission, your game must be: 

  • small: 5000 words or less in length
  • weird: (focusing solely on the mechanical aspect) do things as differently from D&D as possible
  • OSR: despite their weirdness, they must remain compatible with adventure modules, hexcrawls, dungeons and so on from at least one version of D&D

In your game's description on Itch, please describe its weirdness and which edition of D&D it is compatible with


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A game of fierce royal rivalry and intrigue between impossible heroes
A Weird Science-Fantasy RPG
An Ancient Greek inspired OSR Adventure TTRPG.
Dungeon delve in this OSR with playing cards!