Submissions open from 2024-10-18 16:00:00 to 2024-10-20 16:00:00
Starts in

Compose a musical sketch using a given musical element.

[Sandbox] is a unique twist on the OST Composing Jam where creativity meets constraint. In this variant, participants are challenged to compose a musical sketch using a specific provided element—be it a melody, sample, sound, or another musical motif. The goal is to explore and develop your ideas around this given element, pushing the boundaries of your creativity within a limited framework. As always, you're free to explore any genre, from chiptune to orchestral, and can even include lyrics.

Submit your original recordings in .mp3, .wav, or .flac format on and your preferred streaming platform, like Soundcloud and YouTube. Don't forget to include screenshots or recordings of your digital audio workstation (DAW), scores, or tracker to prove your originality.

Imagine the game your soundtrack complements. Describe its atmosphere and how each track enhances gameplay. Keep everything original—no copyrighted content allowed!

Everything submitted must be original and not contain any copyrighted content.

Listen to the previous jam's submissions!


How long? at least 1 minute, aim for no longer than 10 minutes all tracks combined.
How many tracks? at least 1 track
What do I need to submit? When creating the project on, you will need to upload the following:    
• .mp3, .wav or .flac file of the track(s)
                ○ The title of the file should also have your username on it (e.g. Lone Rabbit - Great Example.wav)  
• Screen recording or screenshot(s) evidence of your DAW
                ○ Uploaded as screenshot(s) on
                ○ to YouTube as screen recording
                ○ or as .pdf if a score on    
• Cover art (optional but ideal to differentiate your submission)
                ○ The cover size on is 630x500 px
When submitting to the jam, you will be asked for the following:
            ○ Description of entry (e.g. genre, runtime, software you used, inspirations, your process, etc.)
                ○ Link to streaming service of your choice (preferably SoundCloud or YouTube)
                ○ Soundtrack use permission, would you like others to be able to use your soundtrack?
                ○ Your contact information
Q: Will there be any themes? A: Yes and no, there will be a musical constraint announced at the start of the jam, but unlike other OST Composing Jams there won't be any themes.
Q: What program/DAW can I use?  A: You can use any programs, DAWs, or trackers you want. You can even handwrite your scores and perform it yourself.
Q: Can I work in teams?  A: You can only work in solo or in groups of no more than 3. However, you can have additional people to record parts for your soundtrack.
Q: Can I use pre-made loops?  A: Yes, as long as the majority of the work is still your own composition and arrangement.
Q: How about samples and sfx? A: Yes, but please make sure you have the legal rights to use them.
Q: Can I submit a soundtrack for a game that already exists? A: No, it is required that all participants compose an original soundtrack for a game that does not yet exist before the jam.
Q: Can I submit multiple entries?  A: No
Q: Can I use this jam to finish/submit an existing project I already started on? A: No, it is required that all participants start from scratch for this jam. If you really want to start off from an existing project anyway, please make sure it is at least less than 30% finished as it wouldn’t be fair to other participants otherwise.
Q: Can I use the soundtrack I composed for other projects later on? A: Yes, we do not own anything you submit. All rights are reserved to the original composer(s).
Q: Can it be a remix? A: No, but you can take some inspirations and ideas from them!
Q: I'm having trouble uploading/submitting! A: How to upload and submit your soundtrack!


The rating period lasts for around a week after the jam ends and is open to everyone. Your soundtrack will be judged on:

  • Impression; does it catch your attention or did you get bored?
  • Creativity; did the submission overall seem new or unique, did the composer(s) try to innovate? etc.
  • Composition; musical writing, leitmotifs, pacing, cohesion, catchiness, etc.
  • Quality; mixing/mastering, sound design, are the instruments/sound banks chosen appropriate? etc.

Files will be locked during the voting period, but feel free to continue and/or finish the soundtrack to your liking after the jam ends.

Participants who tries to manipulate the voting system will be disqualified.


There will be a compilation album which will be released to most major streaming services for the top submissions as well as for some of my favorites. We will contact you about this after the jam ends. You will also receive the majority split of the streaming royalties as well! We will not include your soundtrack without your consent. You can check out the previous jam's compilation album here!


Looking for a partner or want to hang out with us? Feel free to hop into our Discord server! Have fun with this one! :D


Check out the previous OST Composing Jams!


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"Creating worlds, telling stories, and capturing emotions with sound."