This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-30 00:35:00 to 2021-12-01 04:59:59. View 2 entries

Greetings one and all! This is my third game jam! This time, I decided on another set theme for it, and I decided on paleontology and related activities, such as digging up fossils. It can either be set in the setting of a natural history museum, or be about actually digging up fossils in a previously uncharted (or already charted) fossil hotspot. Again, this was inspired by the folks behind Haunted PS1, so props to them!


  1. Don't discriminate.
  2. Don't be mean.
  3. Don't touch the weird-looking Marrella fossil.

Most of all, have fun!


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Survival in a failed dinosaur theme park.
Fossils digging (like Pokémon)
Play in browser