This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-07-21 05:00:00 to 2020-09-01 07:00:00. View 3 entries

 “Parliamentary procedure is the body of rules, ethics and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies and other deliberative assemblies.

At its heart is the rule of the majority with respect for the minority. Its object is to allow deliberation upon questions of interest to the organization and to arrive at the sense or the will of the assembly upon these questions. Self-governing organizations follow parliamentary procedure to debate and reach group decisions—usually by vote—with the least possible friction.“ - Wikipedia

Me: The problem with Robert's Rules of Order is it's basically the D&D of parliamentary procedure.” - Xavid

Too long has Henry Martyn Robert ruled with his iron claw and his book of so called “rules”! It’s time for new rules, for a new generation of meetings! It’s time to write some cutting edge, experimental, independent parliamentary procedures!

A parliamentary procedure might cover such topics as:

  • When and how a meeting can be called
  • How you act during a meeting
  • How new topics are introduced
  • Who can speak and when
  • How votes are gathered
  • How the meeting makes binding decisions
  • When a meeting takes breaks or finishes

Or other stuff! Or none of that! I’m not your dad and you don’t have to do what I say! Except for these rules, in this case you do have to do what I say:

  • Games must be parliamentary procedure but you can interpret that however you wish.
  • Don't be a bigot. This means games with an overall message of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, or any other message targeting a marginalized group is not acceptable.
  • Any length is fine
  • Feel free to charge for your hard work. We love you.
  • Be safe and get plenty of rest.


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A parliamentary procedure for group sex
A Parliamentary Procedure For Constitutional Direct Theocracies
Keep mortals from slowing down your fiendish bargains with these short procedures to keep everything on track!