Apparently, in order to progress you must use the right word or phrase. This can be very frustrating.
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Cheree: Remembering My Murder's pageREQUIRED - Game Category
Almost to level 10 now. Amusingly, I said "that's fun" to a comment she made in Bassey Study about the books, and she said, "What scrapbook? Or what about a scrapbook? I think you're getting ahead of things." I know from the other comments that there will be a scrapbook later, but I hadn't mentioned it! I don't know where that reply came from.
I was enjoying this a lot until I got to the third stage - I've got all the clues, but now I'm in a different mode with a very different sort of voice that just spews profanity at me after gloating about its crimes. I feel like I've failed Cheree and this is quite unpleasant. What power do I have to make things better? Any possibility of retaining the general nature of the character (trying to avoid spoilers here) while toning down the profanity?
I am enjoying this a lot. However, I was sorting out a clue (replacing letters) when I decided to type some more commands to Cheree before I was finished. Then the clue window disappeared and I could not bring it back. Is the game then unwinnable or is there a way to bring the clue window back again?
Hi, of course you can decipher a clue later. Simply click on Clues in the upper right-hand corner to bring up the list of clues. Any clue labeled "???" still need to be deciphered; just click on it. (also you can click on the Location title in the upper left-hand corner to bring up the list of locations, since going back to an old location is sometimes necessary)
Thanks for replying. The clue field says: Clues 3/4 - does it mean that I have found 4 but only solved 3?
When I click on Clues it says:
Cheree [don't know how to put spoiler tags here]
Cheree's body [don't know how to put spoiler tags here]
Cheree once [don't know how to put spoiler tags here]
I see no "???" which means there is nothing to decipher yet I guess. However, I don't recall how many I have deciphered so it may be that the game thought I had deciphered the third even though I was far from finished(?)...
You need to find the last of the first 4 clues. The one you're missing involves something she talked about at Lighthouse of Selsey. It's also possible that you said the right thing already but because of a timing issue (the auto-chat feature, for instance) she didn't "hear" what you said so just be persistent about it and it should trigger her memory. If for some reason it still doesn't work, let me know your username and I'll check your log. Thanks!
I'll note that I let myself get bogged down in the Lighthouse, too, as I figured it was important, but then I followed a blind trail for the conversation.
But then I astravel'd away and back again, and Cheree's opening dialogue pushed me where I needed to go. This helped somewhere else, too, (where isn't important--just the general mechanic to refocus myself) though for all the other clues, I didn't need it.
There have been a couple players who found and deciphered all the clues but got stuck trying to move the scrapbook off the shelf at Bassey Study. For anyone who is stuck at that point, what you need to do is tell Cheree to use a specific kind of (fictional) energy that begins with a 'P'. Explicitly mention the word and something should happen. Yes, that section of the game was somewhat undertested due to few players ever getting that far, but should go more smoothly after the next update. If you can get past it you're almost at the climax of the story.
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