This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-21 07:00:00 to 2024-11-12 05:59:00. View 6 entries


  • Game must be a Persistent Browser-Based Game (PBBG)
  • Game must be hosted somewhere by the deadline for others to play it
  • Game design and game must be submitted to the jam page
  • Game design and games must be created during the game jam
    • Can’t use prior made games
  • Teams must incorporate the theme into submissions
  • In order to maintain a fair competition, libraries and frameworks can be used only if every team has access to them
  • All submissions can’t be changed after the deadline
    • If a team has submitted and the deadline hasn’t passed, then the team can still submit updates
  • Teams are allowed to deviate from their game design submission when building their game
  • No hateful, derogatory, or bigoted content
  • Teams are NOT required to submit a finished game
  • During the game design window, teams are allowed to code and build out their game
  • Teams can either submit a game design submission or a game submission or both a game design submission and a game submission

Game Design: The goal is to evaluate how well participants can convey their vision, mechanics, and overall structure of the game through documentation, visuals, and design theory without requiring them to build a working prototype. Participants will submit their Game Design Document with the following information:

  • Title of game
  • Elevator Pitch: 1 - 2 sentences that give a brief description of the game
  • Core gameplay mechanics: think about what the gameplay loop looks like for a player, rules of the game, player actions, etc.
  • Game Objective: what is the end goal of the game
  • Win/Loss condition (optional): if there is a win/loss condition for the game, please list it
  • Theme: How is the theme incorporated in the game design
  • Progression and Systems: Detail what the play progression system looks like if there is one
  • Aesthetic: what is the aesthetic of the game?
  • Unique selling point: what makes this game unique compared to other games

It will be optional to develop mock ups or visuals for the game. Voting will not be based on that, but it can help voters understand the game design better

Game Design Judging Criteria: After all game designs are submitted, a Google form will be released for everyone to vote on each game design. Below is the judging criteria for the game design portion: 

 Creativity (40%)

  • 5: The game concept is entirely unique, presenting new mechanics or an unconventional approach to game design that sets it apart from existing games.
  • 4: The concept is creative and incorporates novel ideas, but it may draw from familiar mechanics with an innovative twist.
  • 3: The concept has some unique elements, but many aspects are similar to existing games in the same genre.
  • 2: The concept is fairly standard with minimal innovation or creativity.
  • 1: The concept is very derivative of other games, showing little to no innovation.

Explanation of Mechanics (40%)

  • 5: The core gameplay mechanics are explained with exceptional clarity and detail, making it easy to understand how the game works and what players do.
  • 4: The mechanics are clear and understandable, though a few elements may require additional explanation.
  • 3: The mechanics are generally clear, but some aspects are vague or need more detail.
  • 2: The mechanics are not well explained, making it hard to understand how the game would play.
  • 1: The explanation of mechanics is confusing or incomplete, severely hindering understanding.

Adherence to Theme (20%)

  • 5: The game design takes a highly creative approach to the theme and the theme is deeply integrated into the mechanics
  • 4: The game engages the theme in a meaningful way and the theme is well-reflected in some of the game mechanics
  • 3: The theme is present and somewhat integral to the game mechanics
  • 2: The theme is included but feels like an afterthought that does not significantly affect the gameplay mechanics
  • 1: The theme is barely or not at all present and is disconnected from the gameplay mechanics

Game Creation: Teams will spend the last two weeks focusing on building their game. The following requirements are below:

  • Team leads will post an update on what they completed vs what is left after the 1 week of building the game
  • Team leads will submit their game before the deadline is over

Game Judging Criteria

Theme Adherence (15%) - How well did the game integrate and embrace our selected theme?

  • 1: Barely related or off-theme.
  • 2: Aspects of the theme are present but integration could be stronger.
  • 3: The theme is obviously present and works well.
  • 4: Showcases the theme in a noteworthy way.
  • 5: Perfectly captures and expands upon the theme, to the point of embodiment.

Gameplay & Engagement (30%) - How enjoyable is the game experience?

  • 1: Not engaging or enjoyable.
  • 2: Has moments of fun but struggles overall.
  • 3: Moderately engaging with some unique aspects.
  • 4: Highly engaging and offers a memorable experience, but could use some work.
  • 5: Exceptionally fun and well-crafted, perfect or nearly so.

Accessibility & Usability (30%) - How intuitive and user-friendly is the game interface and mechanics?

  • 1: Difficult to understand or play.
  • 2: Some barriers to entry or usability hiccups.
  • 3: Generally user-friendly with minor issues.
  • 4: Very accessible with a clear interface.
  • 5: Seamlessly intuitive, exceptionally easy to play.

Artistic Presentation (15%) - How aesthetically pleasing is the game in terms of visuals and overall design?

  • 1: Lacks polish or artistic cohesion.
  • 2: Basic presentation with room for improvement.
  • 3: Solid presentation with some standout elements.
  • 4: Highly polished and aesthetically pleasing.
  • 5: Exceptionally crafted with a standout artistic vision.

Performance and Polish (10%) - How smooth and bug-free is the game experience?

  • 1: Numerous bugs or performance issues.
  • 2: Some bugs or areas lacking polish.
  • 3: Generally smooth with occasional hiccups.
  • 4: Very polished with rare minor issues.
  • 5: Flawless execution and smooth experience.

Winners: Winners will be announced for the following categories:

  • Overall winner - average of game design and game score
  • Best Game Design
  • Best Game


  • Winners will receive a badge of honor in the discord
  • Come on Couch Cat stream to promote game or previous games (optional)


All submissions
Browser playable (1)

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PBBG Game Jam 2024 Design Document
Poor man's Twine as a node editor.
Run in browser
Make your mark in a region war-torn between 3 factions fighting for power
Welcome to The Mad Factory—where success is never guaranteed, and only the boldest will master the chaos.
Bicycle racing in the rain
Sift through paper evidence, investigate locations, discover new leads and solve the case. And create your own