This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-06-01 14:00:00 to 2020-06-08 14:00:00. View 8 entries


Welcome to South-West University Lockdown Games Jam hosted by Plymouth's Games Dev Society.


  • All used 3rd party content and asset packs must be credited
  • The content of the game must be Safe for Work
    • No nudity
    • No offensive content
    • Content deemed offensive will be discussed with Jam Admins if it should be removed
  • The game should follow the theme provided
  • The entry must be submitted before the deadline
  • Respect all other entries, jammers and admins
  • We recommend that you make it mostly playable with mouse and keyboard as most people voting will have this. This is not a requirement though
  • Jammers should be on the discord to keep updated with the Jam       

Not in the discord? Join here


How were the invited universities chosen?

We decided to use this list. From this list we chose to only invite ones with a clear Games Development or Games Arts course.

My university/course wasn't invited. Can i still join?

Yes! As long as you are from a South-West university, you are welcome. Just let one of the admins so they can setup your role.

Can I submit late?

The deadline is there for the reason. But we are no university so if you are late with good reason e.g. build wasnt working. Just let us know and we can give you a link


All submissions
Windows (6)
macOS (2)
Linux (3)

No submissions match your filter

A cat based stealth game set in a museum
Game made for Lockdown South-West Jam.
You're rollin’ in the wrong neighbourhood… weed..
An Action Stealth Puzzle game made during the PlymGamesDev Game Jam.
Solo project made for the Plymouth Game Jam, theme - Untouchable
A game about a telekinetic plague doctor as he avoids infection through any contact
Escape the lab as a mind-controlling parasite, which can't be touched for more than 5 seconds!