Ha! You caught me on this one! ๐
Definitely been here before... ๐
Well done ๐
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Game Idea Generator in the Time of Depression's itch.io pageCompressed Bytes used
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bc=0 p=-12 pd=-12 pl=59 g=0 r={x=31,y=46,dx=0,dy=0,ax=0,ay=0,} tw=0 function _update() bc+=1 p-=0.2 if p<pd then p=pd end if p>pl then p=pl end if btnp(5) then g=1 end if g==1 and not btn(5) then p+=2 sfx(0) g=0 end r.ax=0 r.ay=0 if btnp(0) then r.ax=-0.2 end if btnp(1) then r.ax=0.2 end if btnp(2) then r.ay=-0.2 end if btnp(3) then r.ay=0.2 end r.x+=r.dx r.y+=r.dy r.dx+=r.ax r.dy+=r.ay if r.x<5 or r.x>59 then if abs(r.dx)<10 then r.dx=-r.dx sfx(1) else sfx(2) end end if r.y<0 or r.y>91 then if abs(r.dy)<10 then r.dy=-r.dy sfx(1) else sfx(2) end end if (r.x<-40 or r.x>104) or (r.y<-45 or r.y>136) then sfx(-1) tw+=1 end end function _draw() cls(6) if p>0 then rectfill(r.x,r.y,r.x+p,r.y+14,b()) end rect(r.x,r.y,r.x+64,r.y+14,1) print("press x to generate\n a new game idea",r.x-5,r.y+26,1) print(" x",r.x-5,r.y+26,b()) if btn(4) then cls(0) if p>0 then rectfill(r.x,r.y,r.x+p,r.y+14,b()) end end if tw>60 then print("you win!",48,61,7) end end function b() local ba={14,14,14,14,14,14,14,13,13,12,12,12,13,13} if bc>#ba then bc=1 end return ba[bc] end
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