Neat entry, you really squeezed a lot in here!
Also, great use of the 2 pixels minimla player "sprite" 😉
Nice one 👍
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e=48f=96o={10,10}s=0u=0h=0n=1r={}a={}g={}p=5i=false d=3v=0l=true m=false c=0::n::local n,a=e,f::a::if#r<207+c*13then add(r,flr(rnd(12)+1))goto a end if f<40then c+=1f+=8end if#g<2+flr(c/13)then add(g,flr(rnd(#r>207and 13or 207)+(#r>207and#r-13or 0)))end for n=1,#g do r[g[n]]=0end cls()?"hp:\n"..o[1].."/"..o[2].." \n\nxp:\n"..s.."\n\nlv:\n"..u.."\n\ngold:\n"..p.."\n\nlines:\n"..c,98,0
rectfill(0,0,95,128,3)for n=1,#r do local a,f=n*8-8-104*flr(n/13),c*8+120-(8*flr(n/13))if r[n]>2and r[n]<6then?"⁶:040e150e150e1504\r⁴h³jᶜa⁶:040e150e150e1504",a,f,11
end if r[n]==7or r[n]==6then?"ᶜ6⁶:18183c3c7e7effff\rᶜ5⁶:181834347a7afdff",a,f
end if r[n]==0then?"⌂",a,f,2
end end pset(e,f+1,0)pset(e,f,8)k=btn()if i then rectfill(12,41,84,89,0)if btnp(4)then l=false if d==3then i=rnd(15)>5and false l=true end if d==2then w=true end if d==1then h-=2+u end end if not l then v+=1end if v==30then o[1]-=w and 0or rnd(20)>10and 2or 0l=true w=false v=0end?"⁶w⁶tᶜ5⁶:223e2a1c3e1c1400\rᶜ6⁶:00004040e0400000\rᶜa⁶:0000000707020000",20,60
?(l and" player turn"or" monster attacks").."\n ⁴hhp:"..h.."\n\n\n\n\n ²"..(d==1and l and 8or 0).."attack²0 ²"..(d==2and l and 8or 0).."block²0 ²"..(d==3and l and 8or 0).."run",12,28+17
t=btnp()d+=t\2%2-t%2d=d>3and 1or d<1and 3or d else h=flr(rnd(6)+2)*(u+1)e+=(k\2%2-k%2)/2or 0f+=(k\8%2-k\4%2)/2or 0i=(e~=n or f~=a)and rnd(100)>95and true if pget(e,f)==5or pget(e,f+1)==5then e=n f=a end if(pget(e,f)==2or pget(e,f+1)==2)and p>5then p-=o[1]~=o[2]and 5or 0o[1]=o[2]i=false end e=e<0and 0or e>95and 95or e f=f>126and 126or f end if h<1then m=true s+=10l=true i=false p+=flr(rnd(4))end if s==100then o[2]+=10o[1]=o[2]u+=1s=0end if o[1]<1then cls(0)?"game over",45,64
end flip()goto n
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