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00Her0 published a Running Simulator 3 years ago
A browser Running Simulator made in HTML5.
A game about running for the #Pico1k jam. Because of the 1024 character limit, there is no lose screen. The game just resets. Also, press Z/O to play again on the "You Win!" screen.
ComputerGram published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Update: I had a few extra characters to spare and now the game can be enjoyed on mobile! Just hold the ⬅️ button and use the touchscreen to move the player! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY! 1K Maker is a game made in PICO-8 for the 1K-JAM. Press the ri...
A browser game made in HTML5.
Speed Pool 1K 🎱 This is my only entry (so far) to #Pico1k Jam. It's a game of Speed Pool (with Timer), in just 1,024 bytes (1,022 chars) , using NO predefined art/sfx assets! 😅 The plan was originally to try to do a demake of Arcade P...
Soundole published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Controls: Tap Z to grapple, or release from swing This is my submission to the #Pico1k jam, a game jam challenging people to make something in PICO-8 using no graphical or sound memory, and only 1024 characters of code! I had to cut back a...
la1nt00cg updated a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated page content.
1 new upload: Play in browser
mhungerford published a pico comic 3 years ago
A browser pico comic made in HTML5.
XKCD is an amazing web comic at licensed under Creative Commons (Non-commercial clause). For the PICO-1K JAM . I wanted to see how well these comics could adapt to a ultra-minimal constraints: whole program under 1024 charac...
Paul Stefko published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A minimal snake clone originally made in a day in pico-8 in under 1024 characters. Eat the "fruit," grow longer, don't run into yourself. #Pico1k This version has been significantly updated with sprite graphics, sound, and music. It's still...
Eldar Bogdanov published a planetary simulator 3 years ago
A browser planetary simulator made in HTML5.
Pico-8 1kb jam submission. The "game" code is under 1 kilobyte, so you know, don't expect much xD Watch Solar System in action. Press up/down buttons to select a planet. Press X to destroy the selected planet. Press Z to restart when you're...
joeschmoeish published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Pico-8 re/demake of the iOS game by BIT-101 in 1024 bytes of code for the Pico1k jam.
Pavilion published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Create an elephant path by imitating your elephant friend's pretty random desire path! Elephant Paths was made for the PICO-1K Jam (#pico1k). Controls left/right arrow keys to turn One round lasts 10 seconds. After the whistle blows, you ca...
Psy published a tool 3 years ago
A browser tool made in HTML5.
This is a simple dice roller made for the PICO-1K Jam. You can roll D4's, D6's, D8's, D10's, D12's and D20's and the program will keep track of your total. To reset your total and keep rolling press Enter and then select "RESET TOTAL". Cont...
M2tias published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
You are a scientist from a far away planet. Your mission is to schlorp as many cows as possible. Arrows to move the ship Z to schlorp cows You need to be on top of the cow to be able to use the Z. Get as many cows as possible before time ru...
jamesedge published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
simple 2 player chess game for #pico1k jam. pseudo-legal implementation which ignores en-passant, castling and promotion. full code (1022 chars): poke(0x5f2d,1)h=stat b={}n=-1 r=circ for k=0,63do b[k]=ord('rnbqkbnrpppppppp__________________...
Once published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A racing game for the pico-8 platform, in 1017 characters. Features a very low poly car, obstacles, sound effects, and a dynamic night sky. Remember, your imagination is the best graphics card ;) Code: 1017 characters (1021 bytes) ::g::y=2x...
Cerbyo published a game 3 years ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Pico1k *Contract Offender* (Sequel: Contract Offender 2) Controls : 4 Arrowkeys to move (p1 left/right/up/down);ctrl+r to retry; p/enter to pause/reset Mission: Hq has ordered you hire 10 local caitsith to diversify the outpost while it is...
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