This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-05 05:00:00 to 2024-12-24 06:00:00. View 16 entries
Whether you call it the Advent Calendar or the Holiday Bundle, gathering together as a community to make games that reflect the joys and anxieties of the winter holiday season is a much beloved tradition among PICO-8 users and players. We've made so many great games over the years: 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023,
This year we're inviting you to don your elf cap early and get to work making games and demos for the 2024 Advent Calendar. The games will be packaged in a special menu cart, the Advent Calendar, and released on the Lexaloffle BBS. This high profile bundle is a great way to get your game noticed and played.
Seven Year Itch
For this, our seventh year, we're using Itch's game jam facilities to better manage the project and to help with recruiting devs elves.
Entries submitted to this jam will remain hidden on Itch until December 24th when Santa delivers all the presents at once to delight the Itch audience. On Lexaloffle, games will be released one by one throughout the month of December, advent calendar style, providing a fun surprise each day.
Don't get on Santa's naughty list. Entries that do not comply with the rules below will be removed and that's no fun.
IMPORTANT! Prior to submitting your game to the jam, you must make an unlisted post of your game on Lexaloffle:
IMPORTANT! When you upload your game to Itch, be sure to make your game unlisted:
You may switch your entry to listed after it has been released in the Advent Calendar.
Failing to follow these steps may lead to your game being omitted from the Advent Calendar bundle cart, which would be no fun!
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