This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-01 06:01:01 to 2024-12-01 05:59:59. View 9 entries
PiCoSteveMo is a noncompetitive month-long jam where participants create a PICO-8 game inspired by a Stephen King work. Last year went so well we decided to do it again!
The jam starts on November 01 and submissions are due by November 30, 23:59:59 CST. Submissions are accepted any time in November. It's OK to start a little early, but the spirit of the jam is to embrace time constraints, so don't push it too much.
(Special note: PICO-8 costs $15, and I don't want anyone to be excluded from the jam for financial reasons, so if a $15 buy-in is a problem for you, send me (jam organizer BaseCase) a message and we'll work something out.)
PiCoSteveMo's theme is a loose "inspired by a Stephen King work". This could be as straightforward as making the direct videogame version of a King story, or maybe something fuzzier like taking a title or passage as a jumping off point and going in a new direction. Or maybe imagining what game would be in the box if one of those awesome 1980's King novel covers were on it.
Feel free to share your game's inspiration or keep it a secret! I'm not the inspiration cops; if you say the thing you upload was inspired by Steve, I'll believe you.
PICO-8 is a retro-inspired fantasy console that imposes strict limitations on your programs to foster creativity. It's available for $15 from Lexaloffle.
No! All experience levels are welcome. PICO-8 is very newcomer-friendly. If you'd like some help getting up to speed, YouTuber SpaceCat has a lovely introductory series here.
Hey if you are inspired by Roadwork, go hog wild.
Come on, that's a totally different guy!
lmao nice one
Highlights from PiCoSteveMo 2023
Disclaimer: This event is not affiliated with Stephen King or with PICO-8, they're just two things we like.
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