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Space ExterminatorsView game page

Tactical combat against alien slime
Submitted by LittleDaimon — 1 day, 12 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#1094.0004.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • The game was playable, I had a few issues with path finding and the ammo not being clear. It was a nice touch having the main menu text being voice acted. The theme was very clearly implemented, and the art style while simple, was nice too look at.

Did you include your Game Design Document in your downloadable files?

Tell us about your game!
This is a game about controlling a squad of Emergency Cleanup Employees from ISEC (InterStellar Extermination Corporation) on their mission to defend a research space station from the agressive spreading alien slime and rescuing civilians on the station.

Game Features:
Tactical Pause - Analyze the battlefield and plan your squads actions while your brains are being fried by the Neural Acceleration (TM) overdrive implant (it's not that bad and it is covered by insurance anyway)

Inventory management - Equip your employees with different guns, manage ammunition and medkits, scavenge the stations for mor items and ammo.

Spreading Alien Slime - Alien slime is actively spreading across the station devouring scientists, items and parts of the station. It is your task to destroy it all or rescue as many civilians as possible and escape before you are overrun completely.

Deployable Defences - Use deployable barricades and automated turrets to fight the alien slime.

Mission Report - Get your mission report as a text file (it will be created in the game executable folder) to boast to your colleagues. If you survived that is...


WASD or Arrow Keys to move camera. hold Q or scrollwheel and move mouse to rotate camera. scroll wheeel to change camera height.
Space to pause and unpause time. Uou can give orders to units while paused.
Right click on a unit to select it, right click on floor to deselect.
Left click to give orders to selected units. orders are contexual - what you click defines what order is used.
If they have weapon equipped and have ammo - soldiers will automatically shoot at enemies and reload.
Interact with item cases to pick up items. Each unit has 4 inventory slots and 1 equipped weapon.
Interact with controll panels to open and close door (keep in mind doors can be destroyed by the slime)
Interact with blue civilians to gain controll of them and then order them into the escape pod (or use them as etra manposer)

When you want to extract your team - get them and all surviving civilians into the escape pod you arrived in and press "Launch Escape Pod" button in the top right of the screen. Mission will end in a few seconds after that. Anyone outside the excape pod will be presumed dead.

As some point the slime growth will reach critical mass and you will run out of ammo, so be ready to escape with as many civilians as possible.

Did you remember to include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Extra Notes
Future plans are to make randomly generated levels and between-mission progression to get better equpment and upgrade units, and more types of enemies and objectives, improve art and sound quality.

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Overall was pretty fun, the sound effects for the shooting was cool, I did like the voice acting (though as RTS games tend to get the moving sounds got very repetitive), the units looked cool, and the controls for the most part were pretty intuitive, could pick it up relatively quickly.

A few different nitpicks, I'd swap what left and right click do, it just feels better that way, or have keybind options if you like that way of doing things. Also have a way to mass select units shift clicking every single one gets very tedious. Also it wasn't clear what the escape pod was, I assumed it was the big "game jam" because that's a large thing on the map, but it was back at the start, just need to make it clear to the player where exactly the end point is. Also interacting with the civilians was quite inconsistent in terms of what seemed to make it work.

But, I enjoyed it, and I think with the updates you guys are planning it's gonna turn out really good!

Developer (2 edits)

Thank you for the feedback! glad you liked the game! definetly will be adding rebindable controlls and some kind of tutorial with better indication of what is what! yeah civilians are kind of bugged - I am looking into fixing that.