My "first time playing" -notes:
-The font is abysmal... Well it's cool but reeeeally hard to read. It could work for the title of the game but please make a simpler one for descriptions and shit. I gave up even trying to read anything after the first couple of sentences. Deciphering any of the descriptions or tutorials is a struggle. ...or maybe I'm turning dyslexic..
-Monsters look very cool!
-Music in and out of battles sounds good, transition from one to other is smooth.
-Getting the loots and crafting them into spells is a fun loop. Even though I dont bother reading anything from the descriptions it's intuitive and simple and feels like I'm accomplishing stuff.
-Move faster, shadow-man! The slow top-speed of it is annoying because the enemies and I are moving a lot faster.
-The background moves around too much for my liking. It's making me a bit motion-sick.
-I dont get what's my HP. Is it the symbols bot-left? Guess it is but it's a bit unclear.
-It's hard to keep track of what abilities are off-cooldown because the combat is super fast-paced. I do like the fast action but I don't have time to avert my gaze from it to check which abilities are available currently. You could make the shadow auto-cast all of it's abilities every time they are off-cooldown and maybe keep the basic-attack manual or something. Atleast I spam them whenever I can anyway.
Or make the abilities spammable but usable only 1 at a time so the player has to choose between his weapons on the fly depending on situation. Or show a small cooldown indicator right on top of character/shadow when an ability is on CD (or when it's available), so I dont have to keep checking the bottom right corner.
-Made it to lvl 6 first time.
2nd playthrough:
-Theres a lot of different abilities to unlock it seems. Tons of combinations from different loots, very nice. I have 3 abilities now and they all are different from the 1st playthrough.
-Made it to 9th lvl.
It's a bit rough but cool prototype. I'd add some abilities that take into account the duality of the player character. Maybe something that swaps the positions? A powerful link that stuns or deals damage between the player and shadow, maybe only when activated? Shadow blocking bullets for player? A quick dash that makes the player run quickly to the shadows-position? Some things like that would give more meaning and depth for the duo-character. Current abilities are mostly "do dmg to something".
I found one ability like that though; the vortex or whatever that sucked nearby enemies to the shadow was very fun to use and gave rise to deeper strategies than "dodge and spam". It was my favourite ability from the bunch I found.
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