I love the uniqueness of gameplay, along with the flip on the narrative of the Sword not wanting to be used! Super creative, especially in the short Jam period!!
I didnt like that, when clicking to advance to the next stage, I skipped and missed out on some pretty lovely cutscenes/illustrations. Perhaps hold off on the Advance button until after the scenes? Or the Advance text/button isn't highlighted or click able until after the scenes play??
I'm looking forward to how you build upon what is already here! How will you make it harder as we progress? Or, just switch up on the formula you've got going so far? Maybe a visual asset progressively blocks the meter if the player continues to get it wrong? Maybe one of the 'Suitors' has a more quirky lifting pattern?
Keep up the great work!!
Amazing commitment to old limitations, and the style and gameplay is really solid and cohesive. There's not enough love for these old RPGs!