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Mightier Is The Pen's pageJudge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Playability - Oh no! You shipped the game at a resolution that you probably didn't plan for and a lot of UI elements were messed up. - Enemies sometimes become invulnerable and group into a corner. - The red ink removes the attack interval, but makes your game button mashy which isn't very accessibility friendly. Theme Implementation - Playing as an anthropomorphized weapon is a popular choice this jam, definitely on theme! - When I think of a writing implement, I'm imagining some sort of gameplay involving writing. You can go in a lot of directions with this (see Splatoon, Okami, Cryptmaster, Duolingo), but I'm not sure if slashing and shooting a projectile just like classic Link is an innovative use of your premise! Cleverness - This game is like if Link got wrist cramps after swinging for a bit. I like being able to pick up new colors to imbue new properties to your attacks, however there are some core flow issues with that idea. It's always optimal to fill up your well with red ink, Blast it all in one go, and then refill, repeat. That means you'll always be switching rooms back and forth, never wanting to not have a full tank of red ink. You're also forced to use it when you attack, as opposed to having it as an option should you wish to save it for a particular thing. Artistic Style - Try to keep your on-screen pixel sizes the same, otherwise certain elements will stand out in a bad way. For example, the pixel sizes on your floor tiling are way larger than the playable character, dwarfing your character while bringing itself forward in visual space. Your enemies have smaller pixel sizes so they give off the feeling of having higher graphic fidelity than the rest of your game, when you really just want everything to be the same. You put a lot of work into writing, even in your GDD! Your game was a bit rough around edges, but it was a complete experience nonetheless. Keep polishing your craft, and try to get more creative with your game mechanics next time! Thank you for participating!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
You play as a sentient ink pen named Quill as you travel across the Desk. Dangerous weapons are threatening the peace and it is up to you to use your ink to put a stop it.
You fight in a top down perspective, similar to the classic Legend of Zelda games. You have a constantly refilling supply of ink to use with your attacks, but sometimes may find fountains of special ink that give you more powerful abbilities, but use it wisely as it does not regenerate like your normal ink does.
Movement - Arrow Keys
Slash Attack - Z
Ink Projectile - X
Pause - Escape Key
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
The enemies are all animated weapons, implying that you must be on par to fight them. But, everyone know that there is something more powerful than a sword, the humble pen.
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This was a cool premise and I like the attack animation! Some sound effect would really add to the satisfaction, though I know there's little time to implement everything in a game jam! One note is that one of the enemies (big red oval shooting blue circles) trapped me between two sections of a wall and I died, so might be worth checking some hit boxes. But otherwise it was fun!
Thank you very much for the praise! We will certainly be taking some time to polish this once the judging peroid is over and I agree that some sound effects are needed to add some pop. The red oval also needs it sprites added obviosly and it's behavior tweaked, It is technically beatable right now, but it is missing all of the clear indication on how to do so that will come with the sprites.
I think, given the time we had to work on it with real life obligations as well, we are all very proud of what we did accomplish, and your feedback is also very much appreciated as I would like to finish this up post Jam!